Omega 3 Fish oil supplement capsules aid the body in variety of ways including Allergies, Inflammation, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and Joint Support.

Omega 3 Fish Oil By Synergy Blends Ingredients

The product source contained no ingredient list or information other than the product contained fish oil.


The product source contained no  information on a recommended daily dosage.


$28.00 for a 120 capsule container. The minimum shipping charge is $10.50 per container.

Omega 3 Fish Oil By Synergy Blends Guarantee

The product vendor will accept unopened returns within the first 30 days of purchase. The product source also includes a customer service number.


Without key information about product ingredients and daily dosage it is difficult to reach a conclusion about this product. Any one considering purchasing this product should either contact the vendor directly for more information about the product or have a health care professional review this product prior to purchase.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products