Research Verified Premium Omega-3 Review

This is an in-depth review of the product Premium Omega-3 by Research Verified. After extensive research we found Research Verified Premium Omega-3 to be one of the best brain boosting supplements on the market. Research Verified claims that this product can boost the cardiovascular and cognitive health. Read on, to find out more about the Research Verified Premium Omega-3 and whether or not it stands up to the claims made by the manufacturer.


Two capsules of this product contain:

  • 1500 mg Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • 800 mg EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
  • 600 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
  • 100 mg Other Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Other ingredients include Omega-3 Fish Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, Natural Lemon Flavor and Proprietary Antioxidant Blend containing Rosemary Extract, Ascorbyl Palmitate and Natural Tocopherols.


It is recommended that, adults take one capsule of this product twice a day, preferably thirty minutes before a meal with an 8 oz. glass of water.

Possible Side Effects

There are no serious side effects of this product as it is made up of 100% pure ingredients. However, you should not exceed the recommended dosage. Anyone with a known medical condition, children under the age of 18 as well as pregnant and lactating women should only use this product after consulting with their physician.


Research Verified Premium Omega-3 is offered in a variety of packages including single bottle, three bottles and six bottles package. On the Research Verified’s website the regular list price of a single bottle of this product is mentioned as $69.95, but it is currently marked down to $48 and the six month’s supply is being offered for $142, which totals $24 per bottle. This product is also available from Amazon for the same price.


The manufacturer of this product offers a surprisingly strong 365 days money back guarantee. So, if you are not satisfied with the product and you feel that it is not showing the desired results then you can return both the opened and unopened bottles at any time within a year and you will be provided a full refund. All you have to do is cover the shipping cost of returning the product. This generous return policy makes the multi-bottle packages that they offer a tempting deal because if you decide that you don’t like the product then you can easily return it.


Compared to the other Omega-3 supplements that we have reviewed, it seems that Research Verified Premium Omega-3 is one of the best on the market. Their capsules are packaged at the same dosage and strength (600 mg DHA, 1500mg/day) that is recommended by the clinical studies and the ingredients of this product are hundred percent pure and it doesn’t contain any aftertaste as well. In addition to this, the manufacturer offers an industry best 365 days money back guarantee and when we looked at the customer testimonials, we found a lot of satisfied customers confirming the effectiveness of this product. So, if you want to boost your cognitive and cardiovascular health then Research Verified Premium Omega-3 is definitely the product for you.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 Products.

Daily Dosage of Omega 3

Daily Dosage of Omega 3

If you are considering taking a supplement such as Omega 3, it is very important to have all the necessary information regarding the supplement. Firstly, it must contain the right dose of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) to be able to provide you with the best results. Secondly, studies have shown that the optimal dosage is between 1000mg and 3000mg of both EPA and DHA.

Check with your physician or a healthcare professional before taking this, or any other supplement. They may advise on taking a different dose and if that dosage exceeds 3000mg a day, make sure you are being carefully monitored. Exceeding the daily limit of 3000mg can lead to adverse effects and potential drug interactions, especially with blood thinners.Daily Dosage of Omega 3

It is regarded as a safe supplement for consumption and when taken in the right dosages it has numerous health benefits which range from improved memory to promoting cardiac health.

Omega 3 and Dosages

Omega 3 can be purchased in gel capsules, ranging from 150mg to 300mg per capsule. Most capsules contain around 200mg of DHA and 400mg of EPA, although this amount varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The quantity of gel capsules needed to achieve the daily recommendation is usually specified on the product’s label.

To get the best possible results and value, make sure you get a brand that contains the largest dose of active ingredients in the smallest amount of capsules per day. This not only saves you money but also helps the body absorb all the nutrients, as opposed to taking it in smaller individual doses.

The Balance Between Omega 6 and Omega 3

Daily Dosage of Omega 3Omega 3 is a fatty acid needed by the body to perform metabolic processes and maintain good health. However, Omega 3 must be balanced with Omega 6, which is more present in our diets than Omega 3. This imbalance of fatty acids in favor of Omega 6 leads to lower health benefits and in some cases cancels the benefits out completely. This is why you need to eat more foods that contain Omega 3 and less of those that have Omega 6.

Getting a good balance of EPA and DHA is the key to getting the most out of Omega 3. Just a small part of EPA actually converts into DHA and this process is a slow one to begin with. As EPA needs more time to be converted into DHA, your body absorbs far less EPA than it does DHA. This is why you need to look for supplements that contain more EPA.

Herbal supplies of Omega 3 also contain ALA (alpha-Linolenic acid), which the body converts into EPA and later DHA. The best sources of ALA are marine algae, but they also contain more DHA than EPA. It is also an excellent choice for vegetarians and those with restrictive dietary requirements. The balance of EPA and DHA may be a tricky business, but a little effort goes a long way when it comes to maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Omega 3 and Prehistoric Diets

Omega 3 and Prehistoric Diets

During the course of history, diets were pretty simple. Our ancestors lived close to water, which means they had access to fresh fish. They did not eat grains but ate more nuts and seeds than we do. What all this means is that their diet was abundant with Omega 3, while ours is led by Omega 6.

Our ancestors consumed fish, fruit and vegetable, nuts, seeds, but not grains. Their diet contained more foods rich in Omega 3 and little to no foods containing Omega 6. Some studies claim they had less disease outbreaks than we have today. It is speculated that a rise in brain size and further development all occurred due to the migration towards rivers and a fish-rich diet.

Omega 3 and Prehistoric DietsSome modern day diets try to mimic the ancient diet and provide us with a healthier lifestyle. A recent research has shown that a diet that is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids lowers the chance of developing heart diseases, memory problems, and emotional instability and even lowers blood pressure. Simply adding Omega 3 to your diet can lead to improved physical and mental state and a healthier life.

Adding Omega 3 to Your Diet

To make our diets abundant with Omega 3, all we need to do is add foods that include Omega 3. Two meals per week containing fish are more than enough to satisfy our needs. Omega 3 can be also be found in cod liver oil and Omega 3 fortified foods.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid required by our bodies to maintain healthy metabolism. To get the most out of it, Omega 3 must be balanced with Omega 6, a fatty acid that is more present in our everyday diet than Omega 3.This means that we get less benefits from both fatty acids, or no benefits at all if the balance is off. Taking more Omega 3 and less Omega 6 fatty acids is very important if we want healthier lives for ourselves.

Omega 3 and Prehistoric DietsOmega 3 is considered to be a safe supplement and when taken in the right amount, it has proven and numerous health benefits ranging from memory improvement to supporting cardiac health. Check with a physician or a health care representative before taking supplements. They may recommend a different dose and if that dose exceeds 3000mg a day, it may have to be monitored. Surpassing the recommended daily limit of 3000mg can lead to adverse effects and possible interferences with other medications, particularly with blood thinners.

Omega 3 Foods

Our ancestors lived on a diet containing fish and seafood, nuts, flaxseed, berries, fruits and vegetables. Even the red meat they ate was from animals which did not eat grains, as farmed grains did not exist at that time. The animals were eating grass and plants that were available in their natural surroundings.

In conclusion, we may be more advanced in many different ways than our ancestors were, but that does not mean that they didn’t know a thing or two about health. Simply adding an abundance of Omega 3 to our everyday diet makes a big difference when it comes to our health.

Boreal Fjord Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil Review

The Omega-3 essential fatty acids used in 80/60 Fish Oil are indicated for providing a longer and healthier life.

The supplement is also indicated for the reduction of the risk of chronic inflammation as well as building the immune system.

It is true that Omega-3 essential fatty acids promote proper coronary health, as well as have a possibility of reducing arthritis.

Boreal Fjord Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil Formula

Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil contains unknown amounts of the following ingredients:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids – Omega 3 fatty acids are well known for their abilities to treat symptoms of ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and depression. They are also well known for their help in preventing miscarriage in pregnant women.
  • EPA – Epa is well known for its use to treat menopause symptoms, depression and Bipolar Disorder.
  • DHA – Dha is known for its amazing abilities, however, studies have shown that there is insufficient evidence supporting that Dha can actually help with treat ADHD, depression and help with mental performance.


The recommended dosage for Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil is 2 softgels each day. Each dose of Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil should be taken with a full glass of water and something to eat.


The price of one bottle of Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil is normally $39.95. However, they now have it on sale for $19.95 for one bottle. Each bottle of Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil should contain at least 60 softgels.

Boreal Fjord Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil Guarantee

Throughout the extensive research we have done on Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil, we have found that Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil comes with no guarantee. This means that if you want your money back, because you are not satisfied with Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil, you are out of luck.


Omega 3 80/60 Fish Oil is a good product, however with no guarantee to their name, over pricing and ingredients that are added that are not shown in studies to work.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

Ultra Omega-3 By NOW Supplements Review

Ultra Omega-3 Supplements by NOW Supplements seem to be beneficial for your health, as they contain the most important omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.

The main problem with these fatty acids is that you cannot get them from your diet, since eating too much fish can lead to contamination with pollutants like mercury and lead.

The fish oil concentrate Ultra Omega-3 Supplements by NOW Supplements are made of is obtained from cold water fish, and it is purified so that it does not contain any pollutants. Let’s see how efficient this product truly is, and how it can be helpful for your health.

What Do Ultra Omega-3 By NOW Supplements Contain?

Since these supplements are based on fish oil concentrate, the most interesting aspect is to see how much EPA and DHA they contain. Here is what it is written on the label:

It is good to see that the natural fish oil concentrate used by this formula contains both EPA and DHA, but we cannot help feeling a bit disappointed with the amounts listed. Health care professionals recommend having 800 mg of EPA and 600 mg of DHA in your diet every day, so these supplements are under the required dosage.


The manufacturer recommends taking one to two softgels every day with your meals.


The price for a 90 softgel bottle is 21.99USD, and we can say that this product is decently priced.

Ultra Omega-3 By NOW Supplements Guarantee

We failed to see any guarantee being offered for the products on the manufacturer’s website, so you may have to ask resellers for any refund you may find yourself entitled to.


Ultra Omega-3 Supplements by NOW Supplements are a good addition to anyone’s daily diet, because they contain EPA and DHA, the two most important omega 3 fatty acids. However, the amounts listed may not be enough, so taking more pills daily is recommended.

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Dr. Murray’s Rx Omega-3 Factors Review

Fish oil has great properties for human health, which is why many people prefer taking supplements as otherwise, trying to obtain the same amount of healthy fatty acids from food can be very difficult. However, when you are shopping for such supplements, it is very important to purchase products that are purified of any pollutants since fish is known to be affected by mercury and lead.

Dr. Murray’s Rx Omega-3 Factors claims to be a supplement obtained from pharmaceutical grade marine lipid concentrate, to make sure that your health is well cared for. Here is the information we gathered on this specific fish oil supplement.

What Does Dr. Murray’s Rx Omega-3 Factors Contain?

The ingredients in any fish oil supplement are important, and, in this case, we were interested in finding out how much EPA and DHA are included. Here are the facts:

  • Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil Concentrate – 1170 mg
  • EPA – 400 mg
  • DHA – 200 mg

As it is easy to notice from this formula, there are other omega 3 fatty acids included, besides the necessary EPA and DHA. While this may be a reliable product, we cannot help but see that the amounts of EPA and DHA are well under the recommended daily dosage of 800 mg, and 600 mg, respectively.


According to the manufacturer’s website, you should take one softgel, one to three times daily.


The listing price for a bottle with 240 softgels is 49.95USD.

Dr. Murray’s Rx Omega-3 Factors Guarantee

The manufacturer offers 30 days money back guarantee, but only for products that have not been opened.


Dr. Murray’s Rx Omega-3 Factors could be a good ally to protect your heart’s health, because it is obtained from purified fish oil, and it does have some amounts of EPA and DHA. Nonetheless, the amounts present in this specific supplement are much smaller than recommended, so you may have to take more pills daily, just to meet the requirements.

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Omega-3 Fish Oil By Twinlab Review

Omega-3 Fish Oil is an Omega-3 fatty acids supplement, using Fish Oil as its source of Omega-3. Fish Oil is the most commonly used source for Omega-3, as it is most abundant in Fish Oil.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are required by the body to function properly, and the body is not able to synthesize its own supply.

Because our bodies rely on us to feed it sufficient levels of Omega-3, many of us have an Omega-3 essential fatty acids deficiency.

Omega-3 Fish Oil By Twinlab Formula

The ingredients of omega 3 fish oil include unknown amounts of these ingredients:

  • EPA – There is insufficient evidence epa is useful for the treatment of mental, physical, or emotional health.
  • DHA –  The evidence suggests dha can prevent vision loss in age-related cases.
  • Fish oil – Research suggests that fish oil supplements can reduce triglyceride levels.
  • d-alpha tocopherol – Lack of evidence exists for the treatment of mental, physical, or emotional health.


The recommended dose suggests a single softgel three times daily accompanied by a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional or certified physician.


The price of one bottle of Omega-3 Fish Oil is $10.97. Each bottle of Omega-3 Fish Oil should contain at least 50 softgels in the bottle.

Omega-3 Fish Oil By Twinlab Guarantee

Throughout all of the research we have done on the product Omega-3 Fish Oil, we have found that Omega-3 Fish Oil comes with absolutely no guarantee. This means that if you buy Omega-3 Fish Oil, you are stuck with it even if you are not satisfied with the results you get from it.

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OMEGA 3 By Scitec Nutrition Review

When you purchase a new health supplement, it is important to learn if the ingredients used are processed to be at the highest standards of purity and quality.

OMEGA 3 by Scitec Nutrition seems to be a well rounded, reliable product, created by a company specialized in making many other health supplements for promoting overall health.

With many positive reviews praising the qualities of the product, we wanted to take a closer look at it, to see whether it can be a good recommendation or not.

What Does OMEGA 3 By Scitec Nutrition Contain?

The most important omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are EPA and DHA, and you need to have them both in your diet for a healthy heart, healthy eyesight, and healthy joints. This is what you can find in OMEGA 3 by Scitec Nutrition:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – 940 mg
  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) – 470 mg
  • DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) – 330 mg

A few things must be noted. First of all, that there are other fatty acids included, which is a good thing, since fish oil can contribute in many ways to improving your overall health. However, the amounts of EPA and DHA present in OMEGA 3 by Scitec Nutrition are under what it is considered necessary for getting the best benefits. Another aspect that has to be mentioned is that traces of allergens like soy, milk and gluten may be present in the product, so if you are allergic to any of these, you may want to shop around for another product.


You need to take one capsule two times daily with food to enjoy the benefits of this fish oil supplement.


A bottle with 100 capsules (50 servings) is priced at 17Euros, which is a bit cheaper than other products.

OMEGA 3 By Scitec Nutrition Guarantee

We could not find any guarantee listed on the manufacturer’s website, so this may be something to address to resellers, if you have any issues with your order.


OMEGA 3 by Scitec Nutrition enjoys many positive reviews for users, which means that it may help you gain the shape you want. However, keep in mind that the amounts of EPA and DHA are far from the recommended dosage, so it is a good idea to compare this supplement with others.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

Carlson Super Omega-3 Gems Review

Super Omega 3 is at the top of the Pill-Board chart, as mentioned in O, The Oprah magazine June, 2004 Issue, page 138. Medical Scientists internationally are encouraging people to eat more fish. Fish body oil is the only major source of the polyunsaturated Omega 3’s EPA and DHA.

For those individuals who do not eat an oily fish diet, Carlson offers Omega-3’s in easy to swallow soft gelatin capsules. Carlson Super Omega-3 soft gels contain a special concentrate of fish body oils from deep, cold water fish including mackerel and sardines which are especially rich in the important Omega-3’s EPA and DHA.

Carlson Super Omega-3 Gems Ingredients

  • Total Fat – 1 g,
  • Vitamin E – 10 iu,
  • Norwegian Fish Oil – 1000 mg,
  • Omega -3 Fatty Acids – 600 mg,
  • Elcosapentaenoic Acid – 300 mg,
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid – 200 mg.
  • Other ingredients – Soft gel shell: beef gelatin, glycerin, water (no amounts of these ingredients provided in the product source).


Service size is 1 soft gel. No information is provided in the product source about the recommended number of product servings that should be taken in a day.


 $12.90 for 50 soft gels.

Carlson Super Omega-3 Gems Guarantee

The vendor offers a 30 day product return policy as well as a contact phone number.


While this product is moderately priced the limited information provided in the product source is a concern. Anyone seeking to buy this product should first contract the vendor for additional information on daily product dosage and servings and should also consider having a health care professional review the product.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3

Omega 3 and Prehistoric Diets

The diets of long ago were actually very simple. Prehistoric people lived near water for many reasons, but the one healthy bonus was the abundance of fresh caught fish. They also ate very little grains and more seeds and nuts. The diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 went hand in hand, unlike our high Omega 6 diets today.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Prehistoric man survived on fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, fish, and no grains. They ate more Omega 3 type foods and little or no Omega 6 foods. From archaeology studies, it is believed they did not have the high occurrence of diseases we suffer from. Scientists also found they had an increase in brain cells and development after they migrated to water and began to eat fish. If you need a clue to improving your health today, migrate to foods and sources of Omega 3 for the answer.

Some contemporary diets mimic the prehistoric diet in order to improve health. Research shows that increasing Omega 3 fatty acids reduces the incidence of heart disease, memory disorders, emotional disorders, and high blood pressure. Finding good sources of Omega 3 can help you supplement this vital nutrient and start improving your health right away.

Getting Omega 3 Back

Getting Omega 3 back into our diet in adequate amounts means changing our diets to include Omega 3 foods. You can also add supplements to increase the amount to a healthy level in your body. It is recommended to eat two servings of low-mercury fish each week. Omega 3 is also high in cod liver oil and foods fortified with Omega 3.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Life today has caused us to eat too many Omega 6 foods and not enough Omega 3. If we don’t get enough Omega 3 and too much Omega 6, the good health effects of Omega 3 are diminished. Supplementation can help increase the levels of Omega 3 if you are unable to eat enough through diet. The recommended daily amount is 600mg a day and up to 3,000mg a day. Never take more than 3,000mg daily without your doctor’s recommendation because of possible side-effects.

Studies show that our genes are not much different than our prehistoric ancestors, and our bodies crave this forgotten nutrient. The heavy grain based and processed diet we eat today has little Omega 3. We need to “migrate to the water” like our ancestors and eat the foods they ate to be healthy again.

Omega 3 Foods

Prehistoric people survived on mostly;fish, seeds, berries, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. If they ate red meat, the animals were not fed grain based diets because farmed grains didn’t exist yet. Animals ate grass and whatever was available in nature. Animal products that feed on grass are higher in Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Omega 3 levels are highest in flax seeds and wild-caught salmon. For vegetarians, flax seeds are a good healthy food choice for Omega 3. It can be put into foods, smoothies and baked into muffins. If you choose to eat more salmon, make sure that it lives in cold water, is wild-caught, and not fed grain pellets on a farm. Grain fed salmon is lower in Omega 3.

If you eat beef, buy grass fed beef and not grain fed. Grain fed animals have more Omega 6 fatty acids and not enough Omega 3. Getting back to the diet of our ancestors, walnuts are a good source of Omega 3 if you are not allergic to tree nuts. Lastly, some more vegetarian sources are; soy, winter squash and kidney beans.

Try not to overcook your foods as it destroys the Omega 3. Fish should be well cooked, but any other vegetarian sources are better eaten uncooked.


Learning about the diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 can help us improve our diet and our health. The diet of prehistoric man was mostly; fish, nuts, berries, seeds and oils high in Omega 3. Our ancestors had less evidence of the diseases we see today. If we get back to the best way of eating for our genetics, we can alleviate many health issues and restore good health!