Omega 3 For Men’s Health

Taking Good Health Into The 21st Century

Heart disease and diabetes are two of the biggest issues in men’s health. When we look at diet and nutrition, we find that men seriously lack some key nutrients that promote good health. Omega 3 for men’s health has become a primary focus in research that’s discovered we are not getting enough of this healthy fatty acid in our diets.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthEating too many processed foods and Omega 6 fatty acids can lead to fat build-up in the arteries. Omega 6 fatty acids, saturated fats and trans-fats tend to overcome the Omega 3 and interfere with absorption. This imbalance lends to the breakdown of the body and circulatory system. The resulting conditions are: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and unhealthy arteries. Diets low in Omega 3 also show a higher risk for cancer.

Omega 3 fatty acids are a very important building block of cells, both in the brain and the body! The only problem is we don’t consume enough of the foods that contain high amounts of Omega 3.

Scientists have found, that when the body has enough Omega 3, there is less incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, dementia, and cognitive (mind) decline. Because of these discoveries, you will find more foods with Omega 3 added in the stores.

Diets High in Omega 3 for Men’s Health

In Japan and Alaska, men tend to have a lower occurrence of heart disease. This is because they eat diets that are high in fish and products made from fish and fish oils. When tested, their blood levels contained very high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. One startling discovery was that they had high cholesterol, yet a surprising low incidence of heart attacks in their culture. The studies all showed that men between 40 and 55 years of age need to eat a diet with fish that has high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. If they have a sensitivity to fish, they should be taking at least a supplement that contains Omega 3.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthMen who eat a diet rich in Omega 3 have a lower incidence of; dementia, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and even depression. Omega 3 can even help increase the metabolism and boost weight loss efforts. Memory is better and chances of getting Alzheimer’s is lower. Men who have heart surgery heal faster, since it helps the heart muscle repair itself.

What is the Recommended Amount of Omega 3?

Healthy men can safely take Omega 3 in doses from 600 mg to 1000 mg a day. For men that suffer from heart disease, doses usually range from 1000 mg to 4000 mg daily, but normally with a doctor’s supervision and recommendations.

High doses can have serious side-effects and must be performed under a doctor’s care. This is because of its blood thinning effects that can interact with prescription blood thinners.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthWith normal doses, the side-effects are normally very minimal. You can avoid such side effects by taking Omega 3 with a meal or snack. Side-effects include: stomach upset, diarrhea, stomachache, and nausea. Larger doses can cause the blood to become too thin and can interact with medications like; Lovenox, Coumadin and Heparin.


By using Omega 3, men can reduce the chances of heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. Research shows that eating more fish each week or taking an Omega 3 supplement increases Omega 3 levels in the body and keeps men in good health.

Fish Oil Omega 3 Supplements And Mercury Safety

Omega 3 Fish Oil and Mercury Contamination

Mercury safety and fish have always gone hand in hand. Certain types of fish are high in mercury and not safe to eat in large amounts. Fish such as; tuna, shark, and swordfish are the highest in mercury and should only be eaten in small amounts. This brings up a discussion about fish oil Omega 3 and mercury safety.

Fish Oil Omega 3 Supplements And Mercury SafetySome controversy have suggested that if fish oil supplements are made improperly, then they could be high in mercury. It depends on the type of fish the manufacturer uses as well as the manufacturing process. The process must clean toxins out of the fish oil, yet keep important nutrients intact. Of course, no fish oil supplement is completely mercury free. The best supplements have almost undetectable levels when the manufacturer cleanses the fish oil in the right manner.

The Type of Fish is Important

Manufacturers should be using fish that are lower in mercury. This means using; sardines, anchovies, whitefish, or wild caught cold water fish like salmon. Salmon is actually really high in Omega 3 fatty acids. When they use low mercury fish, the supplement is already be low in mercury to begin with.

As an added protection, the fish must be tested for mercury prior to even extracting the fish oil.

The Distillation ProcessFish Oil Omega 3 Supplements And Mercury Safety

The last step in getting a supplement with the lowest mercury levels possible is the distillation process. This brings the supplement to the purest point possible and removes most of the toxins in the oil. By the time that product hits the market, there should be almost no detectable mercury present at the end of the process.

Before buying an Omega 3 supplement, check the product website to make sure your manufacturer includes a distillation process when making their fish oil supplements. This gives you the assurance that you made a good choice with products that are safe and beneficial to your health.

Finding Quality Omega 3 Supplements

When choosing a quality Omega 3 product, always look for the symbol that indicates the supplement was made in an FDA Registered Facility. What this means is the manufacturer had to uphold very strict standards for quality and purity. A registered facility does not mean the product is FDA approved, but that the FDA has given them standards for their manufacturing practices. If you see this symbol, be assured you have a product that is made with care. Also check for the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) symbol. This also means that a product maker upholds high standards of quality.

Another important thing to look for is that the manufacturer takes the extra step to test for and remove any other toxic substances such as PCB’s and dioxin. These chemicals can also harm your body and fish oil supplement manufacturers must make sure there are minimal and safe levels of these chemicals.

Omega 3 Absorption and Purity

Studies done at The National Institute of Health (NIH) show that out of 41 different fish oil supplements tested for mercury, all of the supplements had almost undetectable levels of mercury. This means that fish oil products are safe to take. Understand that not every fish oil supplement manufacturer uses a distillation process, but the fish oil is safe nevertheless.

Fish Oil Omega 3 Supplements And Mercury SafetyThe point is that even if some mercury in fish oil is safe for consumption, that mercury can adversely effect how Omega 3 is processed and absorbed by the body. If you get a fish oil supplement higher in mercury, it will keep the body from getting the actual benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. You will not be able to absorb the Omega 3. Eating fish high in mercury can even block the benefits of Omega 3. Look for a fish oil supplement manufacturer that pays attention to mercury levels and gives you the highest quality Omega 3 product possible. This means that you will reap all the benefits of Omega 3 and good health in the process. Studies show there are ample products on the market that are safe.


Good manufacturers pay close attention to fish oil Omega 3 supplements and mercury safety. When you find the highest quality product and begin using your supplement, you will both protect your body and increase the benefits of Omega 3.

Using Omega 3 For ADHD

Treating ADHD with Omega 3

Common treatments for ADHD include both stimulant medications and behavioral therapy. While this is common, many people choose to forgo the stimulants in light of more natural therapies. There are children who really benefit from stimulants in the school setting. But as a parent, remember, treatment is a choice, and you have plenty of options. Using Omega 3 for ADHD is one natural way to benefit the brain functions in a healthy and safe manner.

ADHD Overview

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a condition where sufferers often lose focus on tasks, cannot stop moving, and possibly even have learning disabilities. Those close to ADHD sufferers often have a hard time understanding and tolerating the behaviors. It can cause a great amount of dysfunction in households, schools, and in the workplace.

Symptoms Of ADHD

Using Omega 3 For ADHDThe symptoms of ADHD can actually overlap with a number of other conditions. These may not even be noticeable, and needs must be evaluated on behavior scales by a few different observers. Usually teachers, parents, and other caregivers fill out the scale forms and turn them into a Licensed Physician. The symptoms of ADHD can include:

  • Inability to finish even simple tasks
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Easy distraction
  • Poor memory skills
  • Mistakes
  • Alternating between several different tasks and
    leaving them incomplete
  • Cannot maintain attention to movies, TV, teacher talking, or personal conversation with others
  • Fidgets, moves a lot, paces the floor, excessive climbing,
    and running
  • Unorganized
  • Failure to complete household tasks, homework, or projects

If left untreated, ADHD can lead to complications such as: depression, withdrawal from social situations, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and being unable to keep a job or learn in school. Regardless of treatment choice, approaching ADHD with an open mind is the first step to dealing with the disorder.

Treatments For ADHD

Treatment for ADHD is a personal choice, and you have every right to decide what is best. Most medical treatments involve stimulant medications that actually help the ADHD gain focus on tasks. It is often used in combination with behavioral therapy to teach sufferers how to function on a day to day basis.

Using Omega 3 For ADHDTreatment, whatever type used, is important to reduce the discomfort of sufferers and those around them. It needs to focus on helping them learn to control increased energy levels, reduce movement, and hold conversations with others.

While prescription medications can actually help with calming the brain activity and increasing focus, there is a high failure rate due to non-compliance. This is mostly because of the side-effects of the stimulant, which is the opposite of what you might think.

The stimulants used in ADHD can actually make a person too calm or even overly sleepy. Many parents notice the huge changes in their children and take them off the medication. ADHD must be treated for life and there is no cure. The key is finding the right treatment for your child. One that works best for your child and lifestyle.

Here are the options:

  • Prescription ADHD medications – ADHD medications are actually stimulant medications that have a calming effect on people with ADHD. When given, the person is actually able to focus and slow down. Parents notice their children tend to be quieter and even sleepy on them and this can sometimes make them feel something is not right with their child.
  • Behavioral Therapy – Behavioral therapists can teach parents and kids how to manage routines, organization, and reinforcement of positive behavior. Sometimes this is very effective even without medication. Parents can learn techniques to make environments more suitable for children with ADHD like: rotating toys, keeping the house low key, and telling kids what to expect.
  • Dietary Modifications – Certain foods have been found to trigger ADHD symptoms. Things like: red dye, sugar, chocolate, MSG , and other food substances can each trigger a different symptom. An elimination type diet can help you find the offending foods and keep them away from your table and out of your kitchen. Try taking away all the “forbidden foods” and add them back into the diet one at a time to see which one causes the symptoms.It is also a good idea to add in foods to the diet that reduce blood sugar spikes and dips like: protein, fruit, plenty of fiber, and whole grains. Blood sugar spikes can cause sudden energy bursts, while dips can cause negative behaviors. Balance in the diet can help balance the behavior patterns.
  • Using Omega 3 For ADHDOmega 3 – Research has shown that almost half of kids in studies given Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation show reduced symptoms. It is thought that some cases of ADHD are due to a lack of EPA and DHA, which help the neurons in the brain function properly.In kids that have this deficiency, Omega 3 shows the same calming effects as stimulant medications. If you would like to try this option, check with your pediatrician before supplementing Omega 3 in your child.


Living with a child or family member with ADHD can be a challenge for both the loved ones and the sufferer. The dysfunction and lack of focus is exhausting, and some choose to pass on the current medical regimen of stimulant medications. This leaves the options of behavioral therapy and alternative treatments such as, diet changes and Omega 3 supplementation. Using Omega 3 for ADHD may be the breakthrough some sufferers need to have a more normal life.

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

Omega 3 and Children

Life seems to be a constant hustle and bustle with kids, and their diets tend to suffer. School lunches are get poor grades, and we eat more fast and processed foods. As hard as we try to feed our kids healthy foods, they are still lacking one very vital nutrient — Omega 3 Fatty Acids. As parents, we must understand the importance of omega 3 for children and make sure they are getting enough.

It’s hard these days to feed kids a healthy diet when TV commercials advertise foods that are less than par. The store shelves are lined at kid’s eye levels with processed foods that contain little or no valuable nutrition and school lunches come from mostly cans. We have a tough fight ahead of us!

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenOne very important point we cannot miss is that researchers are finding that Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a basic building block of brain cells. Kids need healthy brain cells for learning. Omega 3 can reduce symptoms of ADHD, childhood depression, and even asthma. The studies are ongoing and researchers are finding some very positive results with the use of Omega 3.

If you’re pregnant, make sure you get adequate Omega 3 in order to build healthy fetal brain cells. Infants who use formula need formula enriched with Omega 3, while young children also need to eat foods high in this nutrient. Many supplements for pregnant women, infants, and children are enriched with added Omega 3.

Omega 3 and Safety for Children

The highest levels of Omega 3 in food comes from fish and fish oils. The problem with high amounts of fish in the diet is the possible high intake of mercury. High mercury fish are: tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, and orange roughy. Tuna has the highest levels of mercury and is commonly used to make sandwiches for kids. Recommendations for tuna in kids’ diets is three ounces weekly. That is about ½ a can of tuna. This issue can add to the deficiency of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenBest fish for kids are ones that swim in cold water and are wild caught. This includes; tilapia, cod, salmon, and shrimp. While these are generally fatty fish, they have way less mercury. If your child is vegetarian or refuses to eat fish, there are healthy vegetarian sources including: flax and flax products, soybeans, canola oil, and walnuts (make sure your child does not have a tree nut allergy if you choose to use walnuts).  An easy way to get your child to eat these foods is to use them in foods like: oatmeal sprinkled with flax powder, or to bake up some flax muffins with canola oil.

You can always try a children’s Omega 3 supplement. There are many types of children’s multi-vitamins that already contain Omega 3. There are even children’s fish oil capsules. If you do use the children’s fish oil supplement, check the label to see if the brand is low mercury. Make sure you check with your child’s doctor before using an Omega 3 supplement.

Omega 3 Dosage For KidsThe Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

The best way for kids to get adequate amounts of Omega 3 is to have them eat 2 to 3 servings of fish that is “low mercury” a week. Children do not need as much as adults to get the health benefits. If you choose to use a supplement, infants need about 300mg to 500 mg Omega 3 every day. Infants who breastfeed will get enough Omega 3 from breast milk as long as you eat enough “low-mercury” foods containing Omega 3. Make sure that during pregnancy and breastfeeding you are not eating sources of mercury. Infants who bottle feed should take a formula fortified with Omega 3. Check labels carefully, but most are now fortified.

If your child will not eat fish, ask their pediatrician about an Omega 3 supplement. The recommended dosage for younger children is 600 mg Omega 3 every day. If you can get your child to eat fish, all they need is about 3 to 6 ounces of salmon or whitefish two times a week. The recommended amount for older children and teenagers is right around 1,600mg daily.

If you have a young child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), depression, or autism, the recommended dosage is 1,000mg daily. Always consult with a doctor before giving Omega 3 to a young child and only use higher doses under close supervision. It is generally safe for kids and side-effects are mild if given with food.


Understanding the importance of adequate omega 3 for children helps them grow and develop as healthy children and adults. Omega 3 can help brain development, as well as help prevent certain health conditions. Studies are ongoing to see if Omega 3 can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, Autism, and childhood depression. Omega 3 can be supplemented, but the best source for kids is a healthy diet with “low mercury” Omega 3 foods.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Overview

An Overview of Omega 3

This Omega 3 fatty acids overview will provide you with all of the necessary information to be up-to-date and informed about Omega 3 supplementation. Research has shown that Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential part of our diet and important for a healthy body.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids OverviewOmega 3 fatty acids perform many functions in our body. They help our brain develop healthy cells, improve memory, and maintain our cognitive functions. Omega 3 also improves the health of our cardiovascular system, reduces inflammation, and helps us build new cells. The downside is our body cannot make Omega 3 on its own, and we need to get it from the food we eat. Adding to the issue is that our diets today are seriously lacking in Omega 3 foods. We can turn this around and start eating more foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. If you are not getting enough Omega 3, your body will tell you. You may notice that you have more inflammation. Your memory and thinking may be slower. Emotions can become unbalanced leading to anxiety and/or depression. Your blood pressure may be higher and you’ve already been told that you show signs of cardiac disease. Understanding the symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency helps you make changes quickly to avoid health issues.

Signs of Omega 3 Deficiency

If you are not getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, you will notice signs in several different areas. Omega 3 is critical to the cardiac system, the immune system and the brain. Here are some of the effects of low levels:

The BrainOmega 3 Fatty Acids Overview

  • Memory Loss
  • Low Cognitive Function
  • Depression/Anxiety

The Cardiac System

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Blood Clots
  • High Cholesterol

The Immune System

  • Joint Pain
  • Inflammation

If you have any signs in any of these areas, reevaluate your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids!

Omega 3 as a Treatment

Omega 3 can help many major health conditions and doctors are using it more often to compliment other treatments. The health conditions that benefit from added Omega 3 are:

  • Alzheimer’sOmega 3 Fatty Acids Overview
  • Dementia
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Eye Disease
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Arthritis/Inflammation/Joint Pain
  • Asthma

While Omega 3 is not a cure for diseases, it may help to control symptoms. For instance, Omega 3 helps thin blood so doctors may use it to prevent blood clots after heart surgery. For this reason, taking Omega 3 in high amounts with any major health condition must be monitored by a doctor.

Food Sources of Omega 3

Omega 3 Fatty Acids OverviewOmega 3 fatty acids are found in a variety of foods from both meat and vegetarian sources including; flax, salmon, walnuts, cauliflower, winter squash, tofu, soybeans, and sardines. It is recommended that you try to eat Omega 3 foods at least twice a week. If you eat a Japanese or Mediterranean style diet, you are probably getting enough Omega 3.

Once Omega 3 enters the body, it needs to be converted to EPA or DHA. The fish sources are easier for your body to convert to the usable forms, while vegetarian sources are a little harder for your body to convert.

Another issue is that we eat too much Omega 6 fatty acids. While these are a necessary part of the diet, we need to be eating more Omega 3 than Omega 6 or a 3:1 ratio. Eating too much Omega 6, causes inflammation. Try and eat a good balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6, and if increasing your dietary intake is not possible, use an Omega 3 supplement.

Omega 3 Supplements

Omega 3 supplements are available even if you are unable to tolerate fish or vegetarian sources in your diet. You can obtain a good Omega 3 supplement over-the-counter online and in drug stores. There are vegetarian and fish oil based supplements out there depending on your preference. Vegetarian sources usually come from flax. Fish sources from fish oils should be of a variety low in mercury. Always check your sources carefully to make sure purity and strict standards are used in manufacturing Omega 3 supplements.


In looking at the Omega 3 fatty acids overview, you can see the many health benefits of this essential nutrient. Getting enough Omega 3 in the diet is always best, but supplements are available when that is not possible. Always check with your doctor before starting Omega 3 supplements, especially if you have a health condition.

Grain vs. Grass For Omega 3

Omega 3 from Grain Fed or Grass Fed Sources?

If you are thinking about adding more Omega 3 foods to your diet, understand the difference between Grain versus Grass fed sources for the Omega 3. When we eat an Omega 3 rich food, it must be balanced with Omega 6 fatty acids in just the right amounts.

Our bodies do not produce Omega fatty acids, but they are necessary for good health. We need to get the proper ratio of 3 parts Omega 3 to 1 part Omega 6 fatty acids. Animals that we eat make Omega 3 and 6, but the proper ratio depends on whether they are fed grain or grass.

Grain vs. Grass For Omega 3When beef cows are fed only grains, they tend to produce 20 parts Omega 6 fatty acids and only 1 part Omega 3 fatty acids. As you can see above, this is too much Omega 6 and unhealthy for the human body. When animals graze on grass naturally, the Omega three ratio is 1 part Omega 3 to 1 part Omega 6. Humans also tend to eat more nuts, flax, seeds, and vegetables that contain higher amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Studies now show the human diet has evolved into a mostly Omega 6 type diet, with nearly no Omega 3. Human health is in a downward spiral and the ratio is found to be 25 parts Omega 6 to 1 part Omega 3. The key to good health is to try to get the Omega 6 levels lower and raise the intake of Omega 3. This all begins with what the animals we eat are fed when they are raised.

Free Range Chickens are Higher in Omega 3

Chickens used to be a high Omega 3 food because they used to only be “free range” and eat a healthy diet of: insects, nuts, grass, and dried fruits that fell from trees. They never ate grains. Chicken eggs that come from free range chickens have a 1.5 Omega 3 to 1 Omega 6 ratio which is perfect! On commercial chicken farms, they are fed only grains and therefore produce eggs that contain 20 parts Omega 6 to 1 part Omega 3.

Be Careful of Omega’s in Fish too

While they say that fish is the best way to get Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, not all fish is high in Omega 3. This is because fish raised commercially on fish farms are fed pellet diets made of grains. This raises the ratio to 4 parts Omega 6 to 1 part Omega 3. When you buy fish, check to see that it is wild caught and cold water fish. These wild caught fish eat “free range” style in the ocean and dine on algae, which is very high in good nutrition and vitamins. When fish is wild caught the Omega 3 is 15 parts and Omega 6 is only 3 parts.

Increasing Omega 3 While Lowering Omega 6

Grass is not a part of the human diet, but we need to eat less meat from animals raised on grains and more from animals that are raised on grass. The key to lowering Omega 6 is to drastically reduce the amount of Omega 6 foods in our diet. While reducing Omega 6, we need to be eating more foods that are high in Omega 3.

Grain vs. Grass For Omega 3This means decreasing Omega 6 foods such as; animals fed on: grain diets, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, margarine, sesame seeds, shortening and creamy salad dressing. These are all high in unhealthy fats and throw the Omega balance off.

While decreasing Omega 6 foods, increase your intake of Omega 3 foods like: grass fed animals, chicken that is free range, eggs from free range chickens, walnuts, flax products, wild rice (which is a type of grass high in Omega 3), wild fish, canola oil, and flax oil.

Try to eat winter squash such as; pumpkin, butternut squash, and acorn squash. Kidney and black beans are also high in Omega 3.


When it comes to grain versus grass for omega 3, you don’t need to graze on grass. You just need to decrease your intake of grain type foods and meat. Try to buy grass fed meats and lower your intake of Omega 6 foods. This will help you get the most benefits from Omega 3 fatty acids.

Side-Effects And Omega 3: Good Or Bad

The Side-Effects of Omega 3

Omega 3 comes from all-natural sources and a natural nutrient the body needs. Therefore, many people wonder about side-effects and Omega3: good or bad. There are very few reported uncomfortable side-effects and this supplement is actually pretty gentle on the body. The only issue people encounter is if they are allergic to walnuts, fish, shellfish, soy or flax. Other than allergies, Omega 3 is generally safe and well-tolerated by most people.

Side-Effects And Omega 3: Good Or BadIn order to avoid side-effects, take Omega 3 with meals. Most consumers report they don’t even feel like they took anything, but do feel the benefits. In order to minimize any adverse effects, keep the recommended dosage to under 3,000mg daily or even less. Only doctors can recommend dosages over 3,000mg daily for certain medical conditions.

Omega 3 is generally safe, but please note that it must come from fish that have a low incidence of mercury including: white fish, wild caught salmon, and shellfish. If the supplement contains mercury, the body will not be able to absorb Omega 3 properly. The recommended source is “cold water” fish in order for the body to get the most benefit.

Very few Side-Effects

Omega 3 does have a few small reported side-effects, but most are limited to the digestive system. Most people find that taking the supplements with food alleviates them. Side-effects can include:Side-Effects And Omega 3: Good Or Bad

  • Fish “burps”
  • Mild nausea
  • Loose stools
  • Fish smell on breath or body odor
  • Increased bleeding tendencies if taking more than 3,000mg a day
  • Higher blood sugar for diabetic patients
  • Bloated abdomen

One side-effect critical to monitor is the use of Omega 3 if you are on blood thinners. Since Omega 3 thins the blood, the use of Omega 3 with Coumadin (warfarin), heparin, or Lovenox (injections) can make your blood too thin and increase risk of serious bleeding. Always check with your physician before using Omega 3 if you use anti-coagulant medications.

When using Omega 3 with chronic health conditions, inform your physician so he or she can adjust your dosage accordingly. If you have a heart condition you may need more than 3,000mg daily, but your doctor will need to start you at a lower dose and gradually increase it as tolerated.

Side-Effects that can be Good

For people who suffer from heart disease, a few of the side-effects of Omega 3 can be really beneficial, when taken correctly. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown in studies to lower blood pressure. This may cause dizziness in some people who have had a long-standing history of high blood pressure. This effect can be lessened just by taking in some added fluids during the day and getting up slowly when lying down.

Side-Effects And Omega 3: Good Or BadFor those with blood clotting disorders, Omega 3 has blood thinning properties that may help treat blood clots. While this condition must be monitored closely by a physician, and Omega 3 can have drug interactions when used with prescription blood thinners, doctors may use this supplement to prevent blood clots from happening in the first place.

Never take Omega 3 without a doctor’s knowledge if you are on a blood thinner. If you suffer from constipation issues, Omega 3 derived from cod liver oil may help to relieve constipation issues and increase bowel movements.


Looking at the side-effects of Omega 3 good or bad tell you that this supplement is very safe and good for your body. Both healthy people and people with health conditions can benefit from getting enough Omega 3 in their diet and through supplementation. It is important to check with your doctor before starting Omega 3 supplements, especially if you are under care for a chronic health condition.

Daily Dosing For Omega 3

What’s the Right Daily Dosage for Omega 3?

If you are thinking about starting an Omega 3 supplement, it is important to understand the recommended daily dosing for Omega 3. First, Omega 3 needs to be the right combination of DHA and EPA to work correctly. Second, studies show that you need to take 1,000mg to 3,000mg of both DHA and EPA to get the most benefits.

Daily Dosing For Omega 3When looking at the daily dosage recommendations, you discuss this with your doctor and make sure you don’t take any higher dose than 3,000mg a day without your doctor carefully monitoring you. There can be a few side-effects and drug interactions over 3,000mg daily, especially if you are on blood thinning medications.

Omega 3 is generally a very safe supplement to take and getting the right dosage can help improve your health in many ways. From cardiac health to improved memory, it is an essential nutrient that is nearly missing from our diets today.

Omega 3 and Various Dosages

Omega 3 is available in gel capsules that range from 150 mg to 300 mg per capsule. On average, capsules contain about 400 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA, but can be lower or higher. Manufacturers usually specify the amount of gel caps that need to be taken to get the daily amount listed on the label.

For the best value and results, try to find a manufacturer that provides the highest dose in the least amount of gel caps daily. This will not only help you save money, it can also help your body absorb the nutrients better than when taken in divided doses.

The Omega 3 And Omega 6 Balance

We are hearing a lot about Omega 3 these days and for good reason. This essential fatty acid is important for good health. The issue here is that there is another fatty acid, Omega 6 that has to be in balance with Omega 3. Our diets today tend to contain more Omega 6 than Omega 3 and this is where we run into problems. If we eat more Omega 6 than Omega 3, it can weaken the good benefits or even cancel them out. We need to be eating more Omega 3 fatty acids than Omega 6.

We also need to have just the right balance of DHA and EPA to get the full benefits of Omega 3. There is a small amount of EPA that converts to DHA, but the conversion process is very slow. Since EPA takes a long time to convert to DHA, you are actually absorbing less EPA than DHA. Always shop for a supplement that contains more EPA than DHA. When this combination has the proper balance, you will experience more of the good health benefits from Omega 3 supplements.

Daily Dosing For Omega 3Plant based sources of Omega 3 have another component, ALA. Your body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, however the amount absorbed by the body is lower than a non-vegetarian source. If you are vegetarian and use an ALA supplement, consider a marine algae type Omega 3 that already contains in it EPA and DHA . Note that marine algae does have more DHA than EPA. While this is a good source of all the components for vegetarians or people with allergies, remember the delicate balance Omega 3 components need for maximum absorption.


The daily dosage for Omega 3 is quite easy, once you understand the balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 and the balance of DHA and EPA. Vegetarians need to look at sources that will provide them the most EPA and DHA. The more you balance the different assets of Omega 3 the better the health benefits to your body.

#1 Product – Omega 3 Premium

Overall Rating: 98.2%

Product Claims:

Omega 3 Premium is our #1 Top Product for omega 3 supplements. The makers of this product bring you the best out there for supplementing omega 3 fatty acids. Our bodies need essential fatty acids to build healthy cells and for us to have a healthy nervous system. They are also helpful in reducing inflammation in the body and reducing the effects of heart disease. In order for omega 3 fatty acids to benefit our body, it has to be a pure form that has been tested for mercury and PCB’s. Plus, contain enough DHA and EPA to be effective. Omega 3 contains Over 1,500 mg Omega 3’s Per Serving.#1 Product - Omega 3 Premium

This product stands above the rest because it is made in an FDA Registered laboratory that is GMP-Certified. This means they maintain strict standards for quality and purity. Omega 3 Premium is guaranteed 100% Pure and PCB FREE. The manufacturer also gives you a formula that contains 800mg EPA and 600mg DHA. This supplement Complies with the U. S. Pharmacopeia’s Standards for quality and purity. It is all of this that makes this product #1 above all the rest.


Omega 3 Premium offers a deal that cannot be beat. This product retails for $49.95 a bottle. The company offers a deal, 6 bottles for $138.00 a bottle, which brings the price down to $23.00 a bottle. This amounts to Buy 3, Get 3 Free. They also offer a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee. No questions asked, just return the product and they will give you your money back.

Our Conclusion:

Our editors gave Omega 3 Premium the title of #1 Product based on all the things this company does to bring you the best Omega 3 supplement. Omega 3 Premium clearly stands above the rest and it shows in the customer reviews and the high certifications they receive for their high quality and standards.