Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil CLS Naturals Review

CLS Naturals’ Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil is an Omega 3 essential fatty acids supplement. One of the most important considerations when choosing an essential fatty acids supplement is how much of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids (also abbreviated as EFAs) each dose contains.

Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil contains 2000 milligrams of fish oil and 800 milligrams of EPA and 600 milligrams of DHA. Because our bodies are unable to create Omega 3 essential fatty acids, providing our bodies with enough of them is essential.

Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil CLS Naturals Formula

Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil contains unknown amounts of the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin E- Vitamin E is used to treat pms and physical performance.
  • Fish Oil – Fish Oil has been used by many people for years, for the treatment of Bipolar disorder, depression, Adhd and also to help prevent miscarriage in pregnancy.


The recommended dosage for Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil is 2 softgels each day. Each dose of Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil should be taken with a full glass of water and something to eat.


The price of one bottle of Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil is normally $75.97. However, they are now selling Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil at $24.00 for one bottle. Each bottle of Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil should contain at least 120 softgels.

Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil CLS Naturals Guarantee

Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil comes with a 100% money back guarantee. This means that if you are not satisfied with Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil, you can return it for a full refund. However, they do not state how long you have to return Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil if you do not like it.


Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil is not a bad product, however with the amounts of Omega-3 essential fatty acids in each softgel, the recommended dosage is too high. Also, the original price is stated to have been $75.97 but is now $24. Because this pricing scheme is so far from what the established supplements are using, this raises a red flag. With no clearly stated guarantee, this supplement cannot be recommended.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

VIVA Labs Krill Oil Review

Krill oil comes from krill, a shrimp-like crustacean found in the ocean and proven to be the most effective, powerful way to add omega-3′s into your diet. You’ll love that Viva Labs Krill Oil is…

  • Independently reviewed and tested to deliver superior antioxidant power over standard than fish oil,
  • Proprietary sealing capsule and advanced delivery system provides faster, more effective results,
  • Free of harmful impurities like mercury & PCB’s commonly found in fish oil,
  • 97% of our customers would recommend Viva Labs Krill Oil to a friend,
  • Guaranteed to work for you or you don’t pay a dime.


  • Viva Labs Krill Oil – 1250 mg,
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – 300 mg,
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) – 165 mg,
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 95 mg,
  • Phospholipids – 500 mg,
  • Esterified Astaxanthin – 1.6 mg.

VIVA Labs Krill Oil Dosage

2 capsules daily.


$29.95 for 60 capsules (a 30 day supply).

VIVA Labs Krill Oil Guarantee

The vendor offers a money back guarantee for up to 90 days from purchase date and has a customer service contact number as well as a website feature to use to send questions and comments to the vendor via the internet. The product source also contains a number of product testimonials.


 This product is expensive, almost $$30.00 for a one month supply. Before purchasing this product a prospective buyer may want to have the product reviewed by a health care professional even though the  product can be  purchased without a prescription and the vendor has a generous product return and refund policy.

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Nordic Naturals Product Review

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega has some good qualities like: a good informative website, good standards for quality and purity, and sustainable fishing practices.

OmegaMint Nutramax Review

This product is a formulated fish oil supplement dealing with the strengthening of heart and immune health. This is intended to ensure people’s optimal health. This high quality fish oil supplement has undergone an extensive amount of research. It is a mixture of various kinds of fish oil sourced coming from various parts of the world. For most of the time, third world countries are of use in this. This helps in the protection of the heart. Aside from this, OmegaMint may also deal with other health problems for it can be the solution to individuals who suffer from the agonizing effects this condition called rheumatoid arthritis.

The above mentioned supplement has the ability to lessen pain and as well as inflammation. This takes place for the body’s regulation has been affecting the inflammation cycle. This will prevent prostatitis, arthritis and even cystitis. Cardiovascular health is also benefited. This will work wonders for the heart. There are miles of arteries involved in this. They make up the cardiovascular. With this, they can help in the lowering of cholesterol. Protection from stroke and heart attack will also be observed. Higher intelligence and brain function are also expected to be achieved.

OmegaMint Nutramax Ingredients

The main ingredient of the supplement contains a little amount of calories from fat, even that of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Fish oil concentrate is also present. These are the following:

  1. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
  2. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

Aside from the above mentioned, the supplement is also a perfect source of omega-3 fatty acids. Sablefish maybe one of the parts of it. It is safe. It comes with 100 grams of the said one which comes with 1.49g acids. This is molecularly distilled and purified. It is purposed to remove contaminants and impurities such as mercury.


The product is only allowed to be consumed for 2 soft gels daily. This is for those who are taking the supplement for their general health. However, for individuals who are at risk of coronary heart disease, it would be 5 soft gels suggested.

Possible Side Effects

There are no harmful side effects discovered. The person may burp though. There is also a fishy aftertaste.

OmegaMint Nutramax Guarantee

It is safe and effective. It is easy to swallow too. However, no money-back guarantee was mentioned.


OmegaMint Purified Omega-3 Fish Oil may seem like a very promising product because of the listed ingredients.

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O3 by Pure Pharma Review

O3 by Pure Pharma comes in a professionally looking package, and it is created by a company that makes other natural health supplements.  The fish oil used for making this particular product comes from full body anchovies and sardines, and sustainable fishing methods are used for collecting the resources necessary for obtaining O3 by Pure Pharma.

The product was carefully tested for purity and quality, and, overall, it looks like this fish oil supplement can be a great solution for getting all the omega 3 health benefits in your daily diet.

What Does O3 By Pure Pharma Contain?

If you want to enjoy the best benefits from omega 3 fish oil, you need to have enough EPA and DHA in its composition. These are the most important, so check the label to see how much you can get with each serving. Here is the info written on the label of O3 by Pure Pharma:

  • EPA – 1250 mg
  • DHA – 500 mg
  • Other omega 3 fatty acids – 250 mg

We are glad to see a product that features so high amounts of EPA and DHA. While the needs for EPA are met, the requirement for DHA does not fit the mark, as the ideal daily dosage is 600 mg. Nonetheless, this is one of the best products on the market, at least, from what the figures are telling us, so you may get a lot of benefits using this supplement every day.


To get the great health benefits of omega 3, three pills daily are recommended.


120 capsules of O3 by Pure Pharma cost 37USD, which is convenient, seeing that you get more than one month supply with one purchase.

O3 By Pure Pharma Guarantee

We could not find any guarantee policy offered on the manufacturer’s website, but you may contact them if you are experiencing any problems with your order.


O3 by Pure Pharma is generous in its amounts of EPA and DHA per daily serving. With so many fish oil supplements on the market, you can easily get one that is not truly effective, but such risks are reduced with this particular product.

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Using Omega 3 For ADHD

Treating ADHD with Omega 3

Common treatments for ADHD include both stimulant medications and behavioral therapy. While this is common, many people choose to forgo the stimulants in light of more natural therapies. There are children who really benefit from stimulants in the school setting. But as a parent, remember, treatment is a choice, and you have plenty of options. Using Omega 3 for ADHD is one natural way to benefit the brain functions in a healthy and safe manner.

ADHD Overview

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a condition where sufferers often lose focus on tasks, cannot stop moving, and possibly even have learning disabilities. Those close to ADHD sufferers often have a hard time understanding and tolerating the behaviors. It can cause a great amount of dysfunction in households, schools, and in the workplace.

Symptoms Of ADHD

Using Omega 3 For ADHDThe symptoms of ADHD can actually overlap with a number of other conditions. These may not even be noticeable, and needs must be evaluated on behavior scales by a few different observers. Usually teachers, parents, and other caregivers fill out the scale forms and turn them into a Licensed Physician. The symptoms of ADHD can include:

  • Inability to finish even simple tasks
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Easy distraction
  • Poor memory skills
  • Mistakes
  • Alternating between several different tasks and
    leaving them incomplete
  • Cannot maintain attention to movies, TV, teacher talking, or personal conversation with others
  • Fidgets, moves a lot, paces the floor, excessive climbing,
    and running
  • Unorganized
  • Failure to complete household tasks, homework, or projects

If left untreated, ADHD can lead to complications such as: depression, withdrawal from social situations, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and being unable to keep a job or learn in school. Regardless of treatment choice, approaching ADHD with an open mind is the first step to dealing with the disorder.

Treatments For ADHD

Treatment for ADHD is a personal choice, and you have every right to decide what is best. Most medical treatments involve stimulant medications that actually help the ADHD gain focus on tasks. It is often used in combination with behavioral therapy to teach sufferers how to function on a day to day basis.

Using Omega 3 For ADHDTreatment, whatever type used, is important to reduce the discomfort of sufferers and those around them. It needs to focus on helping them learn to control increased energy levels, reduce movement, and hold conversations with others.

While prescription medications can actually help with calming the brain activity and increasing focus, there is a high failure rate due to non-compliance. This is mostly because of the side-effects of the stimulant, which is the opposite of what you might think.

The stimulants used in ADHD can actually make a person too calm or even overly sleepy. Many parents notice the huge changes in their children and take them off the medication. ADHD must be treated for life and there is no cure. The key is finding the right treatment for your child. One that works best for your child and lifestyle.

Here are the options:

  • Prescription ADHD medications – ADHD medications are actually stimulant medications that have a calming effect on people with ADHD. When given, the person is actually able to focus and slow down. Parents notice their children tend to be quieter and even sleepy on them and this can sometimes make them feel something is not right with their child.
  • Behavioral Therapy – Behavioral therapists can teach parents and kids how to manage routines, organization, and reinforcement of positive behavior. Sometimes this is very effective even without medication. Parents can learn techniques to make environments more suitable for children with ADHD like: rotating toys, keeping the house low key, and telling kids what to expect.
  • Dietary Modifications – Certain foods have been found to trigger ADHD symptoms. Things like: red dye, sugar, chocolate, MSG , and other food substances can each trigger a different symptom. An elimination type diet can help you find the offending foods and keep them away from your table and out of your kitchen. Try taking away all the “forbidden foods” and add them back into the diet one at a time to see which one causes the symptoms.It is also a good idea to add in foods to the diet that reduce blood sugar spikes and dips like: protein, fruit, plenty of fiber, and whole grains. Blood sugar spikes can cause sudden energy bursts, while dips can cause negative behaviors. Balance in the diet can help balance the behavior patterns.
  • Using Omega 3 For ADHDOmega 3 – Research has shown that almost half of kids in studies given Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation show reduced symptoms. It is thought that some cases of ADHD are due to a lack of EPA and DHA, which help the neurons in the brain function properly.In kids that have this deficiency, Omega 3 shows the same calming effects as stimulant medications. If you would like to try this option, check with your pediatrician before supplementing Omega 3 in your child.


Living with a child or family member with ADHD can be a challenge for both the loved ones and the sufferer. The dysfunction and lack of focus is exhausting, and some choose to pass on the current medical regimen of stimulant medications. This leaves the options of behavioral therapy and alternative treatments such as, diet changes and Omega 3 supplementation. Using Omega 3 for ADHD may be the breakthrough some sufferers need to have a more normal life.

Daily Omega Norwegian Gold Review

Daily Omega, from Norwegian Gold Advanced Fish Oils is an all natural supplement providing the body with much needed Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

These essential fatty acids, also known as EFAs, are required by the body. The body is unable to produce these essential fatty acids, so we must make sure that we provide enough of them through our diet.

The average diet lacks sufficient Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and has too many Omega-6 and Omega-9 EFAs.

Daily Omega Norwegian Gold Formula

Daily Omega contains unknown amounts of the following ingredients:

  • Omega 3- Omega 3 has been shown in studies to have the ability to prevent miscarriage, treat Bipolar Disorder and help relieve symptoms of ADHD and Depression.
  • Omega 6 – Omega 6 has been shown to be able to  improve mental development.
  • Omega 7 – The ingredient Omega 7 has the ability to help with weight management and the growth of skin, hair and nails.
  • Omega 9- The ingredient Omega 9 is able to help with constipation and high blood pressure according to the studies done on it.


The recommended dosage of Daily Omega is 1 soft-gel each day. Each dose of Daily Omega should be taken with a full glass of water and something to eat.


Each bottle of Daily Omega is normally $19.99. However, Daily Omega is now only $17.99. Each bottle of Daily Omega should contain at least 60 softgels.

Daily Omega Norwegian Gold Guarantee

In the research we have done on Daily Omega, we have found that Daily Omega comes with no guarantee. This means that if you want to return Daily Omega, because you are not satisfied with it, you can not return it for a full refund.


While Daily Omega is not a bad supplement, their is no guarantee provided and the Omega-6 and Omega-9 inclusions aren’t what the average body needs.

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The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

Omega 3 and Children

Life seems to be a constant hustle and bustle with kids, and their diets tend to suffer. School lunches are get poor grades, and we eat more fast and processed foods. As hard as we try to feed our kids healthy foods, they are still lacking one very vital nutrient — Omega 3 Fatty Acids. As parents, we must understand the importance of omega 3 for children and make sure they are getting enough.

It’s hard these days to feed kids a healthy diet when TV commercials advertise foods that are less than par. The store shelves are lined at kid’s eye levels with processed foods that contain little or no valuable nutrition and school lunches come from mostly cans. We have a tough fight ahead of us!

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenOne very important point we cannot miss is that researchers are finding that Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a basic building block of brain cells. Kids need healthy brain cells for learning. Omega 3 can reduce symptoms of ADHD, childhood depression, and even asthma. The studies are ongoing and researchers are finding some very positive results with the use of Omega 3.

If you’re pregnant, make sure you get adequate Omega 3 in order to build healthy fetal brain cells. Infants who use formula need formula enriched with Omega 3, while young children also need to eat foods high in this nutrient. Many supplements for pregnant women, infants, and children are enriched with added Omega 3.

Omega 3 and Safety for Children

The highest levels of Omega 3 in food comes from fish and fish oils. The problem with high amounts of fish in the diet is the possible high intake of mercury. High mercury fish are: tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, and orange roughy. Tuna has the highest levels of mercury and is commonly used to make sandwiches for kids. Recommendations for tuna in kids’ diets is three ounces weekly. That is about ½ a can of tuna. This issue can add to the deficiency of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenBest fish for kids are ones that swim in cold water and are wild caught. This includes; tilapia, cod, salmon, and shrimp. While these are generally fatty fish, they have way less mercury. If your child is vegetarian or refuses to eat fish, there are healthy vegetarian sources including: flax and flax products, soybeans, canola oil, and walnuts (make sure your child does not have a tree nut allergy if you choose to use walnuts).  An easy way to get your child to eat these foods is to use them in foods like: oatmeal sprinkled with flax powder, or to bake up some flax muffins with canola oil.

You can always try a children’s Omega 3 supplement. There are many types of children’s multi-vitamins that already contain Omega 3. There are even children’s fish oil capsules. If you do use the children’s fish oil supplement, check the label to see if the brand is low mercury. Make sure you check with your child’s doctor before using an Omega 3 supplement.

Omega 3 Dosage For KidsThe Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

The best way for kids to get adequate amounts of Omega 3 is to have them eat 2 to 3 servings of fish that is “low mercury” a week. Children do not need as much as adults to get the health benefits. If you choose to use a supplement, infants need about 300mg to 500 mg Omega 3 every day. Infants who breastfeed will get enough Omega 3 from breast milk as long as you eat enough “low-mercury” foods containing Omega 3. Make sure that during pregnancy and breastfeeding you are not eating sources of mercury. Infants who bottle feed should take a formula fortified with Omega 3. Check labels carefully, but most are now fortified.

If your child will not eat fish, ask their pediatrician about an Omega 3 supplement. The recommended dosage for younger children is 600 mg Omega 3 every day. If you can get your child to eat fish, all they need is about 3 to 6 ounces of salmon or whitefish two times a week. The recommended amount for older children and teenagers is right around 1,600mg daily.

If you have a young child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), depression, or autism, the recommended dosage is 1,000mg daily. Always consult with a doctor before giving Omega 3 to a young child and only use higher doses under close supervision. It is generally safe for kids and side-effects are mild if given with food.


Understanding the importance of adequate omega 3 for children helps them grow and develop as healthy children and adults. Omega 3 can help brain development, as well as help prevent certain health conditions. Studies are ongoing to see if Omega 3 can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, Autism, and childhood depression. Omega 3 can be supplemented, but the best source for kids is a healthy diet with “low mercury” Omega 3 foods.

Naturenetics Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil Review

Naturenetics Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil claims to effect towards a healthier you. It claims to be beneficial towards making sure that the body remains healthy. It claims to give positive effects towards the eyes, the brain and the joints through the utilization of Omega-3 coming from fish oil. Being manufactured in a state of the art facility, the company deemed themselves to be the best when it comes to giving dietary supplements that use fish as the source of important elements needed by the body.

The oil that they used is claimed to be caught 300 miles from the coast of Chile and in the process of manufacturing, it is made sure that it is 100% pure to be certain that no harmful components are included. The packaging at which this product has comes in a playful design which by the looks of it will surely give an impression of what this supplement is by simply looking at the color and the fish printed on it.

Naturenetics Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil Ingredients


Just take two soft gel capsules in a day.

Possible Side Effects

  • Allergies can be triggered especially to those who have allergy on fish.

How Long Will It Take Effect?

You can see visible results faster if you stick to the recommended dosage. As long as you keep yourself grounded towards the instruction, you can see immediate effect.

How Much Does It Cost?

It will only cost you less than $40 and this is a discounted price already. You won’t feel less on your money because it has 180 soft gels on it which means that you are only spending very little amount per capsule.

Naturenetics Premium Omega 3 Fish Oil Guarantee

You are covered with a money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with what you get.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

OmegaVia Fish Oil – Omegavia Review

  • OmegaVia has over 1105 mg Omega-3 per pill,
  • That’s 30% More Omega-3 Than Prescription Lovaza,
  • Clinically effective dose for triglycerides,
  • Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil = 90% Omega-3.



OmegaVia Fish Oil – Omegavia Ingredients

Product ingredients include the following (note that this product comes in two soft gel capsule sizes, large and small. The large capsule comes in 60 capsule containers and the small capsule comes in 120 capsule containers. The vendor source does not specify if the large and small capsule sizes contain the same ingredient amounts despite the size difference):

  • Total Omega-3 per pill – 1105 mg,
  • EPA  Omega-3 – 780 mg,
  • DHA Omega-3 –  260 mg,
  • Other Omega-3 – 65 mg,
  • Other ingredients – gelatin, vegetable glycerin, purified water, natural Sunflower Tocopherols, Rosemary extract.


One soft gel capsule daily (the product source recommends larger dosage amounts for specific medical conditions). Note again that this product comes in two soft gel capsule sizes – large and small.  The large capsule comes in a 60 capsule containers, the small capsule comes in a 120 capsule containers. The product dosage information provided in the product source does not specify a particular capsule size.


$26.89 for 60 large capsules (a 60 day supply). Lower prices are available per bottle for larger orders.

OmegaVia Fish Oil – Omegavia Guarantee

The product source advertises a 100% money back guarantee within the first 90 days from purchase and includes product testimonials. The product source also contains a contact phone number plus a feature that can be used to send messages to the vendor via the internet.


 This product is not expensive for 60  capsules, a 60 day supply. Anyone interested in trying this product  out is not taking a big money risk  to purchase a 60 capsule supply for example. The product does not require a prescription and the vendor guarantee appears to be comprehensive. The only concern to be aware of stems for the fact that the vendor does not make a distinction between capsule sizes when listing ingredients or dosage amounts.

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