The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3

Omega 3 and Prehistoric Diets

The diets of long ago were actually very simple. Prehistoric people lived near water for many reasons, but the one healthy bonus was the abundance of fresh caught fish. They also ate very little grains and more seeds and nuts. The diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 went hand in hand, unlike our high Omega 6 diets today.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Prehistoric man survived on fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, fish, and no grains. They ate more Omega 3 type foods and little or no Omega 6 foods. From archaeology studies, it is believed they did not have the high occurrence of diseases we suffer from. Scientists also found they had an increase in brain cells and development after they migrated to water and began to eat fish. If you need a clue to improving your health today, migrate to foods and sources of Omega 3 for the answer.

Some contemporary diets mimic the prehistoric diet in order to improve health. Research shows that increasing Omega 3 fatty acids reduces the incidence of heart disease, memory disorders, emotional disorders, and high blood pressure. Finding good sources of Omega 3 can help you supplement this vital nutrient and start improving your health right away.

Getting Omega 3 Back

Getting Omega 3 back into our diet in adequate amounts means changing our diets to include Omega 3 foods. You can also add supplements to increase the amount to a healthy level in your body. It is recommended to eat two servings of low-mercury fish each week. Omega 3 is also high in cod liver oil and foods fortified with Omega 3.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Life today has caused us to eat too many Omega 6 foods and not enough Omega 3. If we don’t get enough Omega 3 and too much Omega 6, the good health effects of Omega 3 are diminished. Supplementation can help increase the levels of Omega 3 if you are unable to eat enough through diet. The recommended daily amount is 600mg a day and up to 3,000mg a day. Never take more than 3,000mg daily without your doctor’s recommendation because of possible side-effects.

Studies show that our genes are not much different than our prehistoric ancestors, and our bodies crave this forgotten nutrient. The heavy grain based and processed diet we eat today has little Omega 3. We need to “migrate to the water” like our ancestors and eat the foods they ate to be healthy again.

Omega 3 Foods

Prehistoric people survived on mostly;fish, seeds, berries, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. If they ate red meat, the animals were not fed grain based diets because farmed grains didn’t exist yet. Animals ate grass and whatever was available in nature. Animal products that feed on grass are higher in Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Omega 3 levels are highest in flax seeds and wild-caught salmon. For vegetarians, flax seeds are a good healthy food choice for Omega 3. It can be put into foods, smoothies and baked into muffins. If you choose to eat more salmon, make sure that it lives in cold water, is wild-caught, and not fed grain pellets on a farm. Grain fed salmon is lower in Omega 3.

If you eat beef, buy grass fed beef and not grain fed. Grain fed animals have more Omega 6 fatty acids and not enough Omega 3. Getting back to the diet of our ancestors, walnuts are a good source of Omega 3 if you are not allergic to tree nuts. Lastly, some more vegetarian sources are; soy, winter squash and kidney beans.

Try not to overcook your foods as it destroys the Omega 3. Fish should be well cooked, but any other vegetarian sources are better eaten uncooked.


Learning about the diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 can help us improve our diet and our health. The diet of prehistoric man was mostly; fish, nuts, berries, seeds and oils high in Omega 3. Our ancestors had less evidence of the diseases we see today. If we get back to the best way of eating for our genetics, we can alleviate many health issues and restore good health!

Omega 3 Supplements And IQ

Omega 3 and Your IQ

The intelligence quotient of humans, otherwise known as “IQ”, is a number scale used to describe the level of human intelligence. The average human ranges between 100 and 110, but the scale ranges from 70 to 130. Genius comes in right around 125 and up. Over the last few years with the boom of technology, our average IQ is beginning to slightly dip. Omega 3 supplements and its relationship to IQ is based on the brain’s need for these fatty acids in order for the neurons in the brain to function properly.

Let’s take a look at how Omega 3 fatty acids have improved brain health in humans over a very long period of time.

Prehistoric Migration and Omega 3 Rich Foods

Studies of prehistoric humans show the size of the brain as smaller than humans today. They had very limited communication and were not able to function as well as us. When they lived away from water sources, their behavior tended to be more primitive. Being away from water, they obviously didn’t eat fish that were rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 and Your IQAs soon as the migration towards water began, researchers found the brain began to increase in size. They started to have more advanced communication skills and were much more functional. In theory, this could only mean one thing – humans began to eat fish which are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. These are the actual building block of brain cells. The prehistoric human’s brain was beginning to grow and develop! And this continued on for quite some time, until processed or GMO foods came into play. Then the decline started.

The Decline of Human Thinking Skills

With recent technological advancements, we don’t have to think as much for ourselves. We can go anywhere on the internet to get any information that we need.

Exercise in thinking keeps our brain developing, and we get very little anymore. The less we exercise our brain, the less it wants to work for us when we need it. The next reason for the decline is our diet is seriously deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are the  very basic building block of brain cells. Such nutrients in adequate amounts keep our memory and cognitive skills working right. They also help us learn new things. Also, with growing technology is the growing fast food craze that is literally devoid of any Omega 3.

Omega 3 and Your IQEven if we got rid of every bit of technology in our homes, exercised our brains and read lots of books, we still cannot completely keep our brain healthy without Omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient goes hand in hand with using our brain and helps us form new brain cells.

Omega 3 helps us remember, process thoughts and speak to others. The problem is our diet does not have enough Omega 3 or too much Omega 6 fatty acids. We need to have more Omega 3 fatty acids and just a little Omega 6 fatty acids.

Keeping your IQ Healthy with Omega 3

Using Omega 3 fatty acids provides your brain with the nutrients it needs for healthy function. Our diets today lack the foods we need to get Omega 3. This is because the highest amounts come from fresh caught cold water fish. We need to be eating at least two servings per week, more if possible. The other issue is fish that contains mercury. Mercury competes with Omega 3 and interferes with absorption, among other health concerns.

Our bodies need around 600mg to 1000mg of Omega 3 each day to provide our bodies with adequate amounts. This is entirely possible with a diet filled with the right foods. Foods that have the most Omega 3 include:

  • Fresh caught cold water fish – wild caught salmon, whitefish, tilapia, snapper, trout and shellfish.
  • Flax seeds and flax oil – These can be used in foods and have a good vegetarian source of Omega 3.
  • Walnuts – Use walnut or walnut oils in cooking. This is another good vegetarian source of Omega 3, just be cautious of tree nut allergies.
  • Grass fed beef – Regular supermarket beef does not contain very much Omega 3, but more Omega 6. To increase the amount of Omega 3, buy grass fed beef.
  • Omega 3 and Your IQSoy – Soy products have a small amount of Omega 3 and are a small source for vegetarians. You can even combine soy with other Omega 3 foods to increase amounts.
  • Dietary Supplements – Some people have food allergies or don’t like the above listed foods. Supplements can help you get your needed Omega 3. Look for fish oils that are “mercury free” and pure sources.
  • Watch for food allergies in supplements. For example; if you are allergic to shellfish, krill oil is extracted from krill, a very small shellfish.


Brain development began in prehistoric days as our ancestors migrated toward water and fresh water fish. These increased amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids were responsible for the increase in communication and motor skills that we use today. However, our diets are deficient in this important nutrient. Omega 3 supplements and IQ recovery go hand in hand, and it is important to get adequate amounts to preserve memory and learning in humans.

Include Omega 3 In Your Personal Fitness Plan

Omega 3 and Personal Fitness

People are crazy about keeping fit these days. You see people walking, running, and talking about going to the gym before work. Along with keeping fit, people are using supplements to stay healthy. There are multi-vitamins, protein shakes, and anti-oxidants that benefit the body and overall health. If you are getting in on this fitness craze, don’t forget to include Omega 3 in your personal fitness plan.

Your body needs Omega 3 to help build brain cells, improve circulation, and for overall cardiac health. But an added bonus to Omega 3 is it helps boost your metabolism and increases weight loss. Omega 3 has other benefits including: reducing pain and inflammation and helping lower anxiety and depression. Studies show Omega 3 fatty acids are the basic cells in the brain. It even promotes a healthy immune system, but our diets have long been lacking this essential nutrient. We need to add this fatty acid back into our lives to improve our overall health and fitness!

Take your Omega 3 then Hire your Personal Trainer

Include Omega 3 In Your Personal Fitness PlanIt is a good idea to start taking Omega 3 prior to starting an exercise routine. When you start Omega 3 supplementation before exercise, it will help rev up your metabolism and prepare your body for an exercise routine. Omega 3 also helps to reduce inflammation, so you will have healthier joints and muscles for your workout routine.

When you take care of your body prior to beginning your work with a personal trainer, you will be able to withstand the hard workouts he or she puts you through. Omega 3 may increase your sensitivity to insulin, and this will help you build up muscle tissue faster. Body builders benefit from this because it can help them reduce their body fat and get lean faster.

Insulin sensitivity reduces the amount of fat you store and helps you use glucose for energy and the building of muscles. In addition, Omega 3 keeps your blood pressure in a good range and can help you have a more regular heartbeat. This will help your exercise program by preventing you from getting out of breath. It will start helping your cardiovascular health and keep your heart from having to work too hard during workouts. Just remember to check with your physician before starting Omega 3 and a new exercise routine.

Omega 3 Dosage for Workouts

When you start a fitness routine, make sure your body gets the right vitamins and supplements and time them just right. Increase your intake of carbohydrates and protein to give you energy for exercise and feed your muscle. Remember that getting enough nutrients is just as important as the exercise routine itself.

Include Omega 3 In Your Personal Fitness PlanYou can get most of the necessary vitamins from a good multi-vitamin supplement containing vitamin A, D, E, K and B, plus minerals. You will want to take a separate supplement of Omega 3. The proper dosage for Omega 3 depends on whether or not you have any underlying health conditions. If you are healthy, the recommended dosage of Omega 3 is 1,000mg to 3,000mg daily.

Experts in the fitness industry state anti-inflammatory benefits usually happen at around 2,000mg a day. An added benefit is relief of sore muscles after a workout. The usual recommended dosage is 600mg daily. In order to get the correct dosage for your health status and fitness program, discuss Omega 3 with your doctor. You can also see a sports practitioner for recommendations. With medical advice, you can come up with a fitness and supplement plan that will benefit your body and health.


If you choose to include Omega 3 in your personal fitness plan, you will benefit your workouts and your total body health. Your body will be able to work at its peak during workouts and recover faster. You will get important nutrients that will help speed up metabolism and build muscle faster.

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3

Overall Health Benefits Of Omega 3

Everyone needs the essential fatty acid, Omega3 for good health and optimal body function. This “good fat” helps encourage healthy cell growth and helps our nervous system and brain function properly. When exploring the wonderful health benefits of Omega3, we need to first look at how it works.

Omega3 fatty acids are a combination of 3 different essential fatty acids that each do a job in the body:

DHA (docosahexanoic acid) – the most abundant fatty acid found in the brain and eyes. About 50% of the body’s DHA is found concentrated in the plasma membranes of our neurons. Breast milk contains high amounts of DHA to support newborn brain cell growth.

EPA (eicosapentaenic acid) – While we can get this from fish sources, they don’t produce it. It comes from the algae the fish eat. This is one fatty acid that our bodies can convert from another fatty acid ALA. EPA is usually combined with DHA for best effectiveness.

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) – The highest amounts of this fatty acid come from plants. Flax, chia seeds, kiwi, lingonberry and soybeans. ALA is not stable for baking and sources need to be milled in order to get the most benefits. Use caution with soybean sources as the GMO versions have very low levels of ALA.

Also, when these fatty acids are hydrogenated they can turn into unhealthy trans-fats. It is best to use raw organic sources of ALA for the most healthy benefits.

Omega3 and Disease Benefits

Whether you have a health condition or not, you still need to be eating adequate amounts of Omega3 in your diet for optimal health. If you have one of the diseases listed below, you may need to increase your intake of Omega3 with your doctor’s permission.

Omega3 fatty acids benefit the following diseases:

  • The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3Auto-immune disorders – Chemicals known as “resolvins” reduce the inflammation of auto-immune disorders. Omega 3 fatty acids help the body increase production of resolvins and lower the inflammation present in these disorders.
  • Heart Disease – Omega 3 is helps reduce blood pressure, by thinning the blood and lowering inflammation inside the cardiac blood vessels. It can even help heal injured cardiac tissues. Cardiologists are even using Omega 3 to help people heal after heart attacks or open heart surgery.
  • Eye Disease – Diets high in Omega 3 fatty acids tend to have lower levels of macular degeneration and age related eye disease.
  • Depression and Anxiety – The neurons in the nervous system contain tiny bits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Lower levels may cause an increase in depression and anxiety. While Omega 3 is not a cure for mental illness, it may help reduce the symptoms.
  • Memory and Cognitive disorders – Brain cells are largely made up of Omega 3. Studies show that getting enough Omega 3 in the diet can help improve memory and cognition. Omega 3 is now added to infant formula and even some prenatal vitamins to ensure healthy brain development from the time of conception. Alzheimer’s patients must have adequate Omega 3 intake to slow the progression of the disease. Some investigations are looking at recovery from traumatic brain injury with Omega 3.

Omega 3 Food Sources

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3You can find the highest amounts of Omega 3 in seafood like, cold water wild salmon and shellfish. Non-meat sources include: flax and flax oil, walnuts, canola oil and soy products. We often do not get enough Omega 3 because our diet in the United States contains very little seafood.

The only problem with seafood based sources of Omega 3 is if the fish are exposed to high levels of mercury. Mercury can block the absorption of Omega 3 and also cause other health issues.

When choosing an Omega 3 supplement, make sure to look for the manufacturer’s attention to this very important detail.

A good diet for higher levels of Omega 3 is the Mediterranean diet. This diet contains foods that are high in the “good fats.” It is based on eating healthy oils and nuts, while lowering the intake of red meat.

Another good diet is the “Japanese diet” which contains a good amount of fish eaten on a daily basis. This is the best way to get the most Omega 3 from dietary sources. The recommendation for any diet is at least 2 servings of fish weekly. Eat cold water wild-caught fish like; white fish, tilapia and salmon.


You can experience the wonderful health benefits of Omega 3 by just making a few dietary changes. Getting plenty of Omega 3 in your diet can help you manage chronic health conditions and improve your overall body health.Make sure you talk to your doctor before using Omega 3 supplements or making a change in your diet.

Omega 3 Benefits

The “Good Fat” Omega-3 Benefits

Omega 3 fatty acids are considered “good fats,” and actually don’t cause you to gain fat. In our diets today we have “good fats” and “not so good fats.” In some ways they work together to help our body, and the “good fats” have a number of benefits all on their own. Let’s take a look at “the good fat” Omega 3 benefits.

Omega 3 BenefitsOmega 3 fatty acids are made up of 3 different beneficial fatty acids; DHA, EPA, and ALA. We don’t produce these ourselves, so we need to get them from our diet. These essential fatty acids are found in fish and some healthy oils like, flax seed oil.

Getting Omega-3 benefits is tricky in the United States, because we don’t eat a lot of fish. Fish that has high levels of mercury cancels out the benefits of Omega3, and eating too much Omega6 fatty acids can also cancel out the benefits. Omega6 fatty acids are a good fatty acid in moderation. We need to eat more Omega3 fats and less Omega6. There has to be about a 3:1 balance, 3 parts Omega3 to 1 part Omega6. Omega6 fatty acids are found in; chicken, eggs, vegetable oils and cereal.

Eating just the right combination of these fatty acids can benefit our bodies in many ways.

Health Conditions that Benefit from Omega 3

Everyone needs Omega3 fatty acids. Even pregnant women can give their growing babies a boost in life by getting enough Omega 3 during pregnancy. Newborns, babies, children, teenagers, adults, and elderly people all need Omega3. It is a good idea to take a look at the foods you are eating and make sure you are getting enough of this nutrient. If you have a health issue that needs high levels of Omega3, make sure you are eating enough or see your doctor about taking a supplement.

Health issues that benefit from Omega3 fatty acids are:

Omega 3 BenefitsCardiac Disease

If you have heart disease, getting enough Omega3 fatty acids can help relieve the inflammation in your blood vessels and circulatory system. It can reduce your blood pressure, keep your blood thin, and even heal damaged cardiac tissues. Cardiac surgeons encourage you to take Omega3 supplements after open heart surgery to help you heal faster and reduce the risk of complications.

Auto-Immune Disease

Omega3 has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. In auto-immune disorders, the body attacks itself like an injury or illness. This results in inflammation and damage to the body’s own tissues.

Omega3 increases the production of “resolvins” that help stop this inflammation and attack. Omega3 can really lower the “flares” people experience with auto-immune disorders.

Eye Disease

Research shows that a diet high in Omega3 can lower the risk of macular degeneration. There is also evidence that it reduces the incidence of all age related eye disorders.

Memory Loss

Omega3 is a building block of healthy brain cells. There are proven results with cognitive function and memory. It can help build infant brain cells and improve memory in people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Healthy brains need Omega3. Studies even show that people with severe brain injury improve with the use of Omega3.


The neurons in the brain utilize a small amount of Omega3 to function properly. When there is not enough Omega3 present, neurons can become disrupted and nervous system issues like depression and anxiety tend to increase. While Omega3 is not a cure for depression, it may be helpful with symptom relief.

How to Find Omega 3 in Foods

Omega 3 BenefitsYou can find Omega3 fatty acids in fish and shellfish. There is also Omega3 in flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil, and soy products. It is important to increase your intake of these foods which are not very common in the American diet.

Be careful of seafood that contains a high amount of mercury. Mercury can cancel out the healthy benefits of Omega3 fatty acids and is also not good for your health. Pregnant women should not eat any fish containing mercury because of risk of damage to their growing baby.

A good diet that increases Omega3 is the Mediterranean diet. Try to eat more healthy oil and more nuts, while cutting down on red meat. Red meat is higher in Omega6 fatty acids that can cancel out the effects of Omega3. Another good diet is the Japanese diet, which is higher in fish. Fish has the highest amount of Omega3 of all the Omega3 containing foods. Two servings of fish every week is enough to get good amounts of Omega3 into the diet. Try eating these fish; salmon, tilapia and haddock are good fish to eat for Omega3.


Getting enough Omega3 means just making some small dietary changes. When you eat the right amounts of this essential nutrient you are giving your body what it needs for a healthy body and mind. Certain health conditions can also improve with enough of this fatty acid. The right balance of fatty acids can increase Omega3 benefits and improve your health. Make sure you talk to your doctor before using an Omega3 supplement.

Understanding Omega-3

Omega 3: The Bigger Picture

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient for the body. The body does not make its own Omega-3 fatty acids, so you need to get them from foods that you eat. Understanding Omega-3 fatty acids means we need to understand the different types, what they do, and where to get them. Let’s take a look at the 3 different types.


  • Understanding Omega-3DHA – DHA develops brain cells and helps with memory, cognition, and mental health. They add it to baby formulas, and pregnant women should take in adequate DHA during pregnancy. The elderly may also get some benefits for dementia and memory loss. Find DHA in: wild salmon, fish oil supplementation, and shellfish.
  • EPA – EPA may help to relieve inflammation. It can also be helpful for mental health. The body converts some DHA into EPA, and it is excreted in breast milk to babies. Older children and adults can get this nutrient in these foods: algae, seaweed, supplementation, and fish.
  • ALA – ALA comes from vegetarian sources and is most commonly found in flax seeds. There are other vegetable oils and seeds that contain ALA. Our bodies don’t make ALA so we must get it from diet or supplements. Our bodies also cannot convert ALA to EPA or DHA because we don’t have the right enzymes to convert it. ALA helps our cardiovascular system and may decrease depression in some women.

How Omega 3 Works

We need Omega-3 from dietary sources because we don’t make it ourselves. It is important to understand that Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient that we need to build healthy cells and tissue. The fatty acids we take in are actually Omega-6 fatty acids, and in order for them to do their job, they must be balanced with Omega-3’ fatty acids.

Understanding Omega-3If we eat too much Omega-6 fatty acids, without Omega-3 fatty acids, health issues can develop. Too much Omega-6 without Omega-3 can trigger an inflammatory process in the body. Try to avoid eating too much vegetables, corn, and grain fed meats, as these are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Increase your intake of Omega-3 foods including; wild caught salmon, flax and flax seed oil, grass fed meats, and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids have some effects on your body by itself, but some things it does for you require a little Omega-6 fatty acids. Some Omega-3 fatty acids are converted to another to do yet another job. This is all a complex process and that is why a balance is very important.

In order for all the fatty acids to work together or convert, make sure you do eat some Omega-6 fatty acids, but take in more Omega-3 fatty acids in order for them to work as a “team.” If you do eat too many Omega-6 fatty acids, you will cancel out the good effects of the Omega-3. It happens in a 3:1 ratio. Always try to eat 3 times the amount Omega-3 fatty acids and 1 part Omega 6 fatty acids. A healthy example would be 1/3 cup vegetable oil (Omega-6) to a cup of flax flour (Omega-3) when making muffins or bread. This formula can basically be used in any recipe.


Getting the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids help all the fatty acids work together in combination to build healthy cells. You don’t have to eat a strict diet, but make sure to get a healthy variety of different foods, so you get all the right fatty acids.

The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3

Omega 3: The Nutrient for Everyone

We must eat a healthy diet in order to have healthy bodies from birth to adulthood. The growth of healthy cells and tissue depends on a number of nutrients: vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fluids and electrolytes. The one nutrient often missed in our diet is the one size fits all nutrient; Omega 3 fatty acids.

The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3This little talked about nutrient is suddenly becoming very well-known and for good reason. Researchers are finding that Omega 3 fatty acids are very essential to healthy body function, and our society is seriously deficient. Studies show that many health problems are directly attributed to the lack of Omega 3.

Omega 3 benefits the body in many ways. It helps our brain cells regenerate and function properly. It helps our cardiovascular system, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Even in the womb, Omega 3 builds brain cells in a growing fetus. After babies are born, they need Omega 3 to help brain development and learning. In later adult years, it may play a major role in preserving memory function. It keeps inflammation levels low in the body and keeps our eyes healthy.

Because of all these critical functions, researchers continue to study this important fatty acid to see if it will truly play a more important role in treating disorders and diseases related to deficient levels.

Whole Body Benefits From Omega 3

Studies are finding more and more positive benefits from Omega 3 every day. This vital nutrient has an effect on just about every part of your body. It builds new healthy cells and relays messages between the cells in your nervous system and brain. Here is a list of what has been found so far:

  • The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3Brain and Memory – Recent research shows that Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct effect on brain cells and the way they function. Aging adults that eat more fish have less memory issues and problems with cognition over those who don’t eat fish weekly.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits – This is one of the more obvious benefits of Omega 3. Cardiologists have found that Omega 3 may help heal damaged heart tissue. One side-effect is blood thinning which may help prevent blood clots after open heart surgery. It may also keep the heartbeat regular, reduce cholesterol, and arterial plaques. Physicians use Omega 3 in higher amounts than the daily recommended dosage; this usage must be carefully monitored by a doctor, especially if you are on blood thinning medications.
  • Inflammation – Omega 3 has been shown in some studies to have a positive effect on inflammation in the body. Researchers are finding that it can signal the body to make more substances that block inflammation from starting.
  • Mental Health – Omega 3 may have a very positive on depression, ADHD, anxiety, and bi-polar disorder. People who use Omega 3 show reduced symptoms of these disorders.
  • Autoimmune Disorders – Since Omega 3 has an effect on inflammation in the body, it may help reduce symptoms in autoimmune diseases including; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Strokes – Since one of the side-effects of Omega 3 is thinning the blood, it may help reduce the incidence of strokes. A stroke is caused by a blood clot that breaks off somewhere in the body and travels to the brain. Keeping the blood thinner reduces the incidence of clots.

 Consult your physician about using Omega 3 if you are already on Blood thinning medications or have a history of stroke.

  • Diabetes – New research taking place shows that Omega 3 increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin and improves the liver’s role in maintaining blood sugar levels. This fatty acid has been shown to help the lipid mediators, resolvin and protectin do their jobs better in diabetes.
  • Respiratory Disease – Studies show that Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the lungs, therefore reducing symptoms of many lung diseases. People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, and upper respiratory issues notice less symptoms after taking Omega 3.
  • Cancer – There is a small amount of evidence that taking Omega 3 fatty acids may prolong the life expectancy of those living with breast and prostate cancer.
  • Eye Health – Macular degeneration is an age related disease found to improve from an intake of proper nutrients that benefit the eyes directly. Omega 3 fatty acid and fish oil may help the eyes rebuild healthy functional tissue. Research in this area is not complete, but does show promising results.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids can truly be called ‘The One Size Fits All Nutrient’, because of the many promising results it is showing in studies. While research is still in the beginning stages and ongoing, Omega 3 has already been found to have profound effects on the body all the way down to the basic cells. It has been found to benefit many areas, from the brain, to the heart, to the immune system. What is known already is that getting adequate amounts can greatly benefit your health!

Exploring Omega 3 Supplements

A Look at Omega 3 Supplements

As researchers step up their job exploring Omega 3 supplements, they are finding more and more health benefits in getting enough Omega 3 into the diet. Our bodies cannot make this fatty acid, so we need to get it from our diet or supplementation.

The diet we eat today does not have nearly enough Omega 3, and we often need to supplement this fatty acid. It is important to understand that the supplement sources come from both plants and animals. What this means is both vegetarians and meat-eaters have options for Omega 3 supplementation. Just know that there are a few differences between the two.

Here are the types of Omega 3 supplements:

Vegetarian Sources of Omega 3 (Plant Based)

Plant based sources of Omega 3 grown on land sometimes do not have all the different types of fatty acids as sea plants. In order to get complete supplementation of DHA, EPA, and ALA, you need to have all three present. Some plant based sources might not have all three present in one supplement.

The plant based sources include:Exploring Omega 3 Supplements

Flaxseed Oil – Flaxseed oil tends to be a more popular vegetarian source of Omega 3 fatty acids. You can get this in gel capsules, powder or oil. It only has ALA, but the body can convert some of it to EPA and DHA with the proper enzymes.

Walnut Oil – Walnut oil is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Still, they only contain ALA that needs to be converted to DHA and EPA by the body. Walnuts are also high in protein and other healthy fats and nutrients. Use caution with this source due to tree nut allergies.

Algae – Algae that comes from the ocean is the only plant based form of Omega 3 that contains all three; DHA, ALA and EPA. Not only does this source benefit vegetarians, but also meat-eaters that cannot eat fish sources.

Fish Based Sources of Omega 3

Fish Oil – Fish oil supplements are the most commonly taken Omega 3 supplement and contain DHA and EPA. People that do not have fish allergies can tolerate this supplement. Make sure to check the bottle to make sure that the supplement is mercury free and the fish are “wild caught.”

Exploring Omega 3 SupplementsKrill Oil – Krill is a very small shellfish and a more expensive way to get Omega 3. It is generally well tolerated, with the exception of people allergic to shellfish. Krill is similar to algae from the ocean and fish oil, but due to its small size, it takes more of them to make a supplement. This makes it very costly.


Exploring Omega 3 supplements can help you find the best type for your needs. Vegetarians can use plant based sources, but should look into marine algae to get the complete chain of fatty acids. Meat-eaters should look for “wild caught fish” that are free from mercury.

If you have an allergy to tree nuts, avoid walnuts. Also, if you have a shellfish allergy, avoid krill oils. With research, you can find just the right Omega 3 supplement and reap the many benefits of this healthy “good fat.

Understanding The Details Of Omega 3

Omega 3 in Detail

The key to understanding the details of Omega 3 is looking at all the different facets of this essential nutrient. Omega 3 is made up of three separate chemicals that each has its own job in body functions. There is; DHA, ALA and EPA. Let’s take a look at each component and the specific role it plays in your health:

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) – DHA is responsible for the growth of important cells in the eyes, the brain, and nervous system. It also directly affects our emotional and mental health. Our bodies do not make DHA, and it must come from the foods we eat or a supplement. Good sources of DHA are: cold water wild caught salmon, fish oil, and shellfish.

fish-oil-300x200EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) – EPA may reduce the levels of inflammation and reduce incidence of mental disorders. It has shown to be helpful in schizophrenia and ADHD. Babies can get EPA from mother’s breast milk, but older children and adults need to get it from dietary sources. Good sources of EPA include: seaweed, algae, fish, and fish oil supplements.

ALA (a-lnolenic Acid) – ALA keep your cardiovascular system in tune and might have some healthy effects on depression in females. We don’t produce ALA on our own and cannot convert ALA from and to DHA and EPA, because we are missing the necessary enzymes. Good sources are vegetable oil and seed products. Vegetarians can eat sources of ALA because it is plant based.

The Right Balance

Since we cannot produce any of the components of Omega 3 fatty acids by ourselves we must get it from diet or supplements. Now about the balance. Our typical diet today is lower in Omega 3 fatty acids and higher in Omega 6. Omega 6 fatty acids are necessary, but too much of them are not good for you. You need to eat more Omega 3 and less Omega 6 and have just the right balance between the two.

Understanding The Details Of Omega 3Omega 6 comes from vegetable oil, corn products, and animals fed strictly grain diets. We get Omega 3 from animals fed on grass, cold water wild caught fish, nuts, soy and flax. Getting the right balance helps Omega 3 work better in our bodies. Think of the two as a team. You have to have a 3 to 1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 to get the full benefits of these essential nutrients. Problem is these days, we eat way too many foods that are high in Omega 6. Too much Omega 6 cancels out the healthy benefits of Omega 3.


Understanding the details of Omega 3 can help you add more of this nutrient into your diet and get the full benefits of this essential fatty acid. Knowing that it works together with 3 different components will help you make better choices when shopping and preparing meals. When you get the right combination down you will be well on your way to better health!

Your Brain Needs Omega 3

How Omega 3 Helps Your Brain

Healthy brain cells depend on DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). This converted form of Omega 3 fatty acid is necessary for good memory, clear thinking and emotional health. Your brain needs Omega 3 to function properly, and if you don’t get enough in your diet, you may need supplementation. This is because Omega 3 fatty acids come from our diet alone.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3The brain cells are made up of nearly 15 to 20 percent Omega 3/DHA. This important nutrient soaks into the very nerve fibers in every brain cell. It feeds the tiny neurons that actually cause the brain cells to fire and communicate with the rest of the body. First and foremost, this action regulates things like; moods, memory, cognition, and learning. This is why Omega 3 is so important from infancy through adulthood and beyond.

Omega 3 fatty acid is found in foods like: salmon, free-range chicken eggs, flax, sardines, walnuts, and soy products. Our diet is seriously lacking in many of these foods today, but your brain depends on it. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets contain higher amounts. Here in America, we eat mostly Omega 6 foods.

We need to try to enrich out diet with more Omega 3 foods. Even foods with Omega 3 added are better than no Omega 3. The best diet is one high in seafood, flax oils and seeds, and DHA fortified foods. We need to be adding these foods to our diet at least two to three times weekly to rebuild our stores of Omega 3.

Monaco And Japan Have Less Evidence Of Alzheimer’s

Your Brain Needs Omega 3According to World Life, Monaco in the Mediterranean has an Alzheimer’s and Dementia rate of 0.0. The Japanese have a rate of about 2.5. In the United States, the rate is an extremely high 24.8.

So, why is this you ask? It may possibly be that our diets are significantly lower in Omega 3 fatty acids, while the diets in these countries are mostly foods that contain higher amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. They eat diets higher in fish, and fish oil is one of the highest sources of Omega 3 fatty acid.

These statistics are alarming and something needs to change. The United States has a higher incidence of brain dysfunction, emotional disorders, and poor cardiovascular health compared to these countries and the solution is very obvious. We cannot ignore this any longer.

Omega 3 and the Growth of Healthy Brain Cells

Studies show that people who have had a traumatic brain injury actually show some signs of recovery after being given Omega 3. Since Omega 3 is a building block of the brain cells, there may be a chance that Omega 3 fatty acids can help the brain grow healthy new cells later in life. It is quite possible that taking Omega 3 can help your body repair damaged brain cells. While this has not been proven yet, scientists are hard at work in studies, and are finding some pretty positive evidence on Omega 3 use and the brain.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3Omega 3 and Infants

Some studies show that mothers who use Omega 3 supplements during pregnancy, breastfeed, and/or use Omega 3 fortified formula have babies with higher IQ’s. The control groups in these studies were given non-fortified formula without Omega 3 and there was evidence of lower IQ’s in this group. With your doctor’s recommendation and monitoring, there are supplements to help boost your Omega 3 during pregnancy to help benefit healthy brain cell growth in your unborn baby.

Children also need more DHA and can suffer from vision issues if Omega 3 intake is inadequate. When a child has low levels of Omega 3, they can suffer from poor vision and poor learning.

Getting enough Omega 3 in pregnancy, infancy and childhood may be a very important key to improving the brain function in our society. Some children may refuse fish in their diet, but there are other ways to get this nutrient, and children’s supplements are available. Always seek the advice of your pediatrician before using an Omega 3 supplement in babies and children.


Your brain needs Omega 3 to function optimally, and a diet that contains adequate amounts is the best way to meet your daily requirements. Omega 3 converts to DHA, which is a very crucial nutrient involved in the health function of your brain cells. It can help both with memory/cognition as well as your emotional health.

Studies show that adequate Omega 3 from pregnancy, birth, and on into adulthood can help the brain grow healthy new cells, possibly heal itself, and function properly. Rather than use stimulants, prescription drugs, or allow the decline, why not try a natural supplement to support brain health? Omega 3 is safe to take under a doctor’s supervision with few side-effects and easily obtained over-the-counter. Start feeding your brain what it needs today.