The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3

Omega 3 and Prehistoric Diets

The diets of long ago were actually very simple. Prehistoric people lived near water for many reasons, but the one healthy bonus was the abundance of fresh caught fish. They also ate very little grains and more seeds and nuts. The diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 went hand in hand, unlike our high Omega 6 diets today.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Prehistoric man survived on fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, fish, and no grains. They ate more Omega 3 type foods and little or no Omega 6 foods. From archaeology studies, it is believed they did not have the high occurrence of diseases we suffer from. Scientists also found they had an increase in brain cells and development after they migrated to water and began to eat fish. If you need a clue to improving your health today, migrate to foods and sources of Omega 3 for the answer.

Some contemporary diets mimic the prehistoric diet in order to improve health. Research shows that increasing Omega 3 fatty acids reduces the incidence of heart disease, memory disorders, emotional disorders, and high blood pressure. Finding good sources of Omega 3 can help you supplement this vital nutrient and start improving your health right away.

Getting Omega 3 Back

Getting Omega 3 back into our diet in adequate amounts means changing our diets to include Omega 3 foods. You can also add supplements to increase the amount to a healthy level in your body. It is recommended to eat two servings of low-mercury fish each week. Omega 3 is also high in cod liver oil and foods fortified with Omega 3.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Life today has caused us to eat too many Omega 6 foods and not enough Omega 3. If we don’t get enough Omega 3 and too much Omega 6, the good health effects of Omega 3 are diminished. Supplementation can help increase the levels of Omega 3 if you are unable to eat enough through diet. The recommended daily amount is 600mg a day and up to 3,000mg a day. Never take more than 3,000mg daily without your doctor’s recommendation because of possible side-effects.

Studies show that our genes are not much different than our prehistoric ancestors, and our bodies crave this forgotten nutrient. The heavy grain based and processed diet we eat today has little Omega 3. We need to “migrate to the water” like our ancestors and eat the foods they ate to be healthy again.

Omega 3 Foods

Prehistoric people survived on mostly;fish, seeds, berries, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. If they ate red meat, the animals were not fed grain based diets because farmed grains didn’t exist yet. Animals ate grass and whatever was available in nature. Animal products that feed on grass are higher in Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Diet Of Our Ancestors And Omega 3Omega 3 levels are highest in flax seeds and wild-caught salmon. For vegetarians, flax seeds are a good healthy food choice for Omega 3. It can be put into foods, smoothies and baked into muffins. If you choose to eat more salmon, make sure that it lives in cold water, is wild-caught, and not fed grain pellets on a farm. Grain fed salmon is lower in Omega 3.

If you eat beef, buy grass fed beef and not grain fed. Grain fed animals have more Omega 6 fatty acids and not enough Omega 3. Getting back to the diet of our ancestors, walnuts are a good source of Omega 3 if you are not allergic to tree nuts. Lastly, some more vegetarian sources are; soy, winter squash and kidney beans.

Try not to overcook your foods as it destroys the Omega 3. Fish should be well cooked, but any other vegetarian sources are better eaten uncooked.


Learning about the diet of our ancestors and Omega 3 can help us improve our diet and our health. The diet of prehistoric man was mostly; fish, nuts, berries, seeds and oils high in Omega 3. Our ancestors had less evidence of the diseases we see today. If we get back to the best way of eating for our genetics, we can alleviate many health issues and restore good health!

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3

Overall Health Benefits Of Omega 3

Everyone needs the essential fatty acid, Omega3 for good health and optimal body function. This “good fat” helps encourage healthy cell growth and helps our nervous system and brain function properly. When exploring the wonderful health benefits of Omega3, we need to first look at how it works.

Omega3 fatty acids are a combination of 3 different essential fatty acids that each do a job in the body:

DHA (docosahexanoic acid) – the most abundant fatty acid found in the brain and eyes. About 50% of the body’s DHA is found concentrated in the plasma membranes of our neurons. Breast milk contains high amounts of DHA to support newborn brain cell growth.

EPA (eicosapentaenic acid) – While we can get this from fish sources, they don’t produce it. It comes from the algae the fish eat. This is one fatty acid that our bodies can convert from another fatty acid ALA. EPA is usually combined with DHA for best effectiveness.

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) – The highest amounts of this fatty acid come from plants. Flax, chia seeds, kiwi, lingonberry and soybeans. ALA is not stable for baking and sources need to be milled in order to get the most benefits. Use caution with soybean sources as the GMO versions have very low levels of ALA.

Also, when these fatty acids are hydrogenated they can turn into unhealthy trans-fats. It is best to use raw organic sources of ALA for the most healthy benefits.

Omega3 and Disease Benefits

Whether you have a health condition or not, you still need to be eating adequate amounts of Omega3 in your diet for optimal health. If you have one of the diseases listed below, you may need to increase your intake of Omega3 with your doctor’s permission.

Omega3 fatty acids benefit the following diseases:

  • The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3Auto-immune disorders – Chemicals known as “resolvins” reduce the inflammation of auto-immune disorders. Omega 3 fatty acids help the body increase production of resolvins and lower the inflammation present in these disorders.
  • Heart Disease – Omega 3 is helps reduce blood pressure, by thinning the blood and lowering inflammation inside the cardiac blood vessels. It can even help heal injured cardiac tissues. Cardiologists are even using Omega 3 to help people heal after heart attacks or open heart surgery.
  • Eye Disease – Diets high in Omega 3 fatty acids tend to have lower levels of macular degeneration and age related eye disease.
  • Depression and Anxiety – The neurons in the nervous system contain tiny bits of Omega 3 fatty acids. Lower levels may cause an increase in depression and anxiety. While Omega 3 is not a cure for mental illness, it may help reduce the symptoms.
  • Memory and Cognitive disorders – Brain cells are largely made up of Omega 3. Studies show that getting enough Omega 3 in the diet can help improve memory and cognition. Omega 3 is now added to infant formula and even some prenatal vitamins to ensure healthy brain development from the time of conception. Alzheimer’s patients must have adequate Omega 3 intake to slow the progression of the disease. Some investigations are looking at recovery from traumatic brain injury with Omega 3.

Omega 3 Food Sources

The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Omega 3You can find the highest amounts of Omega 3 in seafood like, cold water wild salmon and shellfish. Non-meat sources include: flax and flax oil, walnuts, canola oil and soy products. We often do not get enough Omega 3 because our diet in the United States contains very little seafood.

The only problem with seafood based sources of Omega 3 is if the fish are exposed to high levels of mercury. Mercury can block the absorption of Omega 3 and also cause other health issues.

When choosing an Omega 3 supplement, make sure to look for the manufacturer’s attention to this very important detail.

A good diet for higher levels of Omega 3 is the Mediterranean diet. This diet contains foods that are high in the “good fats.” It is based on eating healthy oils and nuts, while lowering the intake of red meat.

Another good diet is the “Japanese diet” which contains a good amount of fish eaten on a daily basis. This is the best way to get the most Omega 3 from dietary sources. The recommendation for any diet is at least 2 servings of fish weekly. Eat cold water wild-caught fish like; white fish, tilapia and salmon.


You can experience the wonderful health benefits of Omega 3 by just making a few dietary changes. Getting plenty of Omega 3 in your diet can help you manage chronic health conditions and improve your overall body health.Make sure you talk to your doctor before using Omega 3 supplements or making a change in your diet.

Understanding Omega-3

Omega 3: The Bigger Picture

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient for the body. The body does not make its own Omega-3 fatty acids, so you need to get them from foods that you eat. Understanding Omega-3 fatty acids means we need to understand the different types, what they do, and where to get them. Let’s take a look at the 3 different types.


  • Understanding Omega-3DHA – DHA develops brain cells and helps with memory, cognition, and mental health. They add it to baby formulas, and pregnant women should take in adequate DHA during pregnancy. The elderly may also get some benefits for dementia and memory loss. Find DHA in: wild salmon, fish oil supplementation, and shellfish.
  • EPA – EPA may help to relieve inflammation. It can also be helpful for mental health. The body converts some DHA into EPA, and it is excreted in breast milk to babies. Older children and adults can get this nutrient in these foods: algae, seaweed, supplementation, and fish.
  • ALA – ALA comes from vegetarian sources and is most commonly found in flax seeds. There are other vegetable oils and seeds that contain ALA. Our bodies don’t make ALA so we must get it from diet or supplements. Our bodies also cannot convert ALA to EPA or DHA because we don’t have the right enzymes to convert it. ALA helps our cardiovascular system and may decrease depression in some women.

How Omega 3 Works

We need Omega-3 from dietary sources because we don’t make it ourselves. It is important to understand that Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient that we need to build healthy cells and tissue. The fatty acids we take in are actually Omega-6 fatty acids, and in order for them to do their job, they must be balanced with Omega-3’ fatty acids.

Understanding Omega-3If we eat too much Omega-6 fatty acids, without Omega-3 fatty acids, health issues can develop. Too much Omega-6 without Omega-3 can trigger an inflammatory process in the body. Try to avoid eating too much vegetables, corn, and grain fed meats, as these are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Increase your intake of Omega-3 foods including; wild caught salmon, flax and flax seed oil, grass fed meats, and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids have some effects on your body by itself, but some things it does for you require a little Omega-6 fatty acids. Some Omega-3 fatty acids are converted to another to do yet another job. This is all a complex process and that is why a balance is very important.

In order for all the fatty acids to work together or convert, make sure you do eat some Omega-6 fatty acids, but take in more Omega-3 fatty acids in order for them to work as a “team.” If you do eat too many Omega-6 fatty acids, you will cancel out the good effects of the Omega-3. It happens in a 3:1 ratio. Always try to eat 3 times the amount Omega-3 fatty acids and 1 part Omega 6 fatty acids. A healthy example would be 1/3 cup vegetable oil (Omega-6) to a cup of flax flour (Omega-3) when making muffins or bread. This formula can basically be used in any recipe.


Getting the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids help all the fatty acids work together in combination to build healthy cells. You don’t have to eat a strict diet, but make sure to get a healthy variety of different foods, so you get all the right fatty acids.

The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3

Omega 3: The Nutrient for Everyone

We must eat a healthy diet in order to have healthy bodies from birth to adulthood. The growth of healthy cells and tissue depends on a number of nutrients: vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fluids and electrolytes. The one nutrient often missed in our diet is the one size fits all nutrient; Omega 3 fatty acids.

The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3This little talked about nutrient is suddenly becoming very well-known and for good reason. Researchers are finding that Omega 3 fatty acids are very essential to healthy body function, and our society is seriously deficient. Studies show that many health problems are directly attributed to the lack of Omega 3.

Omega 3 benefits the body in many ways. It helps our brain cells regenerate and function properly. It helps our cardiovascular system, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Even in the womb, Omega 3 builds brain cells in a growing fetus. After babies are born, they need Omega 3 to help brain development and learning. In later adult years, it may play a major role in preserving memory function. It keeps inflammation levels low in the body and keeps our eyes healthy.

Because of all these critical functions, researchers continue to study this important fatty acid to see if it will truly play a more important role in treating disorders and diseases related to deficient levels.

Whole Body Benefits From Omega 3

Studies are finding more and more positive benefits from Omega 3 every day. This vital nutrient has an effect on just about every part of your body. It builds new healthy cells and relays messages between the cells in your nervous system and brain. Here is a list of what has been found so far:

  • The One Size Fits All Nutrient: Omega 3Brain and Memory – Recent research shows that Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct effect on brain cells and the way they function. Aging adults that eat more fish have less memory issues and problems with cognition over those who don’t eat fish weekly.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits – This is one of the more obvious benefits of Omega 3. Cardiologists have found that Omega 3 may help heal damaged heart tissue. One side-effect is blood thinning which may help prevent blood clots after open heart surgery. It may also keep the heartbeat regular, reduce cholesterol, and arterial plaques. Physicians use Omega 3 in higher amounts than the daily recommended dosage; this usage must be carefully monitored by a doctor, especially if you are on blood thinning medications.
  • Inflammation – Omega 3 has been shown in some studies to have a positive effect on inflammation in the body. Researchers are finding that it can signal the body to make more substances that block inflammation from starting.
  • Mental Health – Omega 3 may have a very positive on depression, ADHD, anxiety, and bi-polar disorder. People who use Omega 3 show reduced symptoms of these disorders.
  • Autoimmune Disorders – Since Omega 3 has an effect on inflammation in the body, it may help reduce symptoms in autoimmune diseases including; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Strokes – Since one of the side-effects of Omega 3 is thinning the blood, it may help reduce the incidence of strokes. A stroke is caused by a blood clot that breaks off somewhere in the body and travels to the brain. Keeping the blood thinner reduces the incidence of clots.

 Consult your physician about using Omega 3 if you are already on Blood thinning medications or have a history of stroke.

  • Diabetes – New research taking place shows that Omega 3 increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin and improves the liver’s role in maintaining blood sugar levels. This fatty acid has been shown to help the lipid mediators, resolvin and protectin do their jobs better in diabetes.
  • Respiratory Disease – Studies show that Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the lungs, therefore reducing symptoms of many lung diseases. People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, and upper respiratory issues notice less symptoms after taking Omega 3.
  • Cancer – There is a small amount of evidence that taking Omega 3 fatty acids may prolong the life expectancy of those living with breast and prostate cancer.
  • Eye Health – Macular degeneration is an age related disease found to improve from an intake of proper nutrients that benefit the eyes directly. Omega 3 fatty acid and fish oil may help the eyes rebuild healthy functional tissue. Research in this area is not complete, but does show promising results.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids can truly be called ‘The One Size Fits All Nutrient’, because of the many promising results it is showing in studies. While research is still in the beginning stages and ongoing, Omega 3 has already been found to have profound effects on the body all the way down to the basic cells. It has been found to benefit many areas, from the brain, to the heart, to the immune system. What is known already is that getting adequate amounts can greatly benefit your health!

Understanding The Details Of Omega 3

Omega 3 in Detail

The key to understanding the details of Omega 3 is looking at all the different facets of this essential nutrient. Omega 3 is made up of three separate chemicals that each has its own job in body functions. There is; DHA, ALA and EPA. Let’s take a look at each component and the specific role it plays in your health:

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) – DHA is responsible for the growth of important cells in the eyes, the brain, and nervous system. It also directly affects our emotional and mental health. Our bodies do not make DHA, and it must come from the foods we eat or a supplement. Good sources of DHA are: cold water wild caught salmon, fish oil, and shellfish.

fish-oil-300x200EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) – EPA may reduce the levels of inflammation and reduce incidence of mental disorders. It has shown to be helpful in schizophrenia and ADHD. Babies can get EPA from mother’s breast milk, but older children and adults need to get it from dietary sources. Good sources of EPA include: seaweed, algae, fish, and fish oil supplements.

ALA (a-lnolenic Acid) – ALA keep your cardiovascular system in tune and might have some healthy effects on depression in females. We don’t produce ALA on our own and cannot convert ALA from and to DHA and EPA, because we are missing the necessary enzymes. Good sources are vegetable oil and seed products. Vegetarians can eat sources of ALA because it is plant based.

The Right Balance

Since we cannot produce any of the components of Omega 3 fatty acids by ourselves we must get it from diet or supplements. Now about the balance. Our typical diet today is lower in Omega 3 fatty acids and higher in Omega 6. Omega 6 fatty acids are necessary, but too much of them are not good for you. You need to eat more Omega 3 and less Omega 6 and have just the right balance between the two.

Understanding The Details Of Omega 3Omega 6 comes from vegetable oil, corn products, and animals fed strictly grain diets. We get Omega 3 from animals fed on grass, cold water wild caught fish, nuts, soy and flax. Getting the right balance helps Omega 3 work better in our bodies. Think of the two as a team. You have to have a 3 to 1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 to get the full benefits of these essential nutrients. Problem is these days, we eat way too many foods that are high in Omega 6. Too much Omega 6 cancels out the healthy benefits of Omega 3.


Understanding the details of Omega 3 can help you add more of this nutrient into your diet and get the full benefits of this essential fatty acid. Knowing that it works together with 3 different components will help you make better choices when shopping and preparing meals. When you get the right combination down you will be well on your way to better health!

Your Brain Needs Omega 3

How Omega 3 Helps Your Brain

Healthy brain cells depend on DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). This converted form of Omega 3 fatty acid is necessary for good memory, clear thinking and emotional health. Your brain needs Omega 3 to function properly, and if you don’t get enough in your diet, you may need supplementation. This is because Omega 3 fatty acids come from our diet alone.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3The brain cells are made up of nearly 15 to 20 percent Omega 3/DHA. This important nutrient soaks into the very nerve fibers in every brain cell. It feeds the tiny neurons that actually cause the brain cells to fire and communicate with the rest of the body. First and foremost, this action regulates things like; moods, memory, cognition, and learning. This is why Omega 3 is so important from infancy through adulthood and beyond.

Omega 3 fatty acid is found in foods like: salmon, free-range chicken eggs, flax, sardines, walnuts, and soy products. Our diet is seriously lacking in many of these foods today, but your brain depends on it. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets contain higher amounts. Here in America, we eat mostly Omega 6 foods.

We need to try to enrich out diet with more Omega 3 foods. Even foods with Omega 3 added are better than no Omega 3. The best diet is one high in seafood, flax oils and seeds, and DHA fortified foods. We need to be adding these foods to our diet at least two to three times weekly to rebuild our stores of Omega 3.

Monaco And Japan Have Less Evidence Of Alzheimer’s

Your Brain Needs Omega 3According to World Life, Monaco in the Mediterranean has an Alzheimer’s and Dementia rate of 0.0. The Japanese have a rate of about 2.5. In the United States, the rate is an extremely high 24.8.

So, why is this you ask? It may possibly be that our diets are significantly lower in Omega 3 fatty acids, while the diets in these countries are mostly foods that contain higher amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. They eat diets higher in fish, and fish oil is one of the highest sources of Omega 3 fatty acid.

These statistics are alarming and something needs to change. The United States has a higher incidence of brain dysfunction, emotional disorders, and poor cardiovascular health compared to these countries and the solution is very obvious. We cannot ignore this any longer.

Omega 3 and the Growth of Healthy Brain Cells

Studies show that people who have had a traumatic brain injury actually show some signs of recovery after being given Omega 3. Since Omega 3 is a building block of the brain cells, there may be a chance that Omega 3 fatty acids can help the brain grow healthy new cells later in life. It is quite possible that taking Omega 3 can help your body repair damaged brain cells. While this has not been proven yet, scientists are hard at work in studies, and are finding some pretty positive evidence on Omega 3 use and the brain.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3Omega 3 and Infants

Some studies show that mothers who use Omega 3 supplements during pregnancy, breastfeed, and/or use Omega 3 fortified formula have babies with higher IQ’s. The control groups in these studies were given non-fortified formula without Omega 3 and there was evidence of lower IQ’s in this group. With your doctor’s recommendation and monitoring, there are supplements to help boost your Omega 3 during pregnancy to help benefit healthy brain cell growth in your unborn baby.

Children also need more DHA and can suffer from vision issues if Omega 3 intake is inadequate. When a child has low levels of Omega 3, they can suffer from poor vision and poor learning.

Getting enough Omega 3 in pregnancy, infancy and childhood may be a very important key to improving the brain function in our society. Some children may refuse fish in their diet, but there are other ways to get this nutrient, and children’s supplements are available. Always seek the advice of your pediatrician before using an Omega 3 supplement in babies and children.


Your brain needs Omega 3 to function optimally, and a diet that contains adequate amounts is the best way to meet your daily requirements. Omega 3 converts to DHA, which is a very crucial nutrient involved in the health function of your brain cells. It can help both with memory/cognition as well as your emotional health.

Studies show that adequate Omega 3 from pregnancy, birth, and on into adulthood can help the brain grow healthy new cells, possibly heal itself, and function properly. Rather than use stimulants, prescription drugs, or allow the decline, why not try a natural supplement to support brain health? Omega 3 is safe to take under a doctor’s supervision with few side-effects and easily obtained over-the-counter. Start feeding your brain what it needs today.

The Importance Of Omega 3 And Women’s Health

Omega 3 and Women’s Health

Women lead busy lives today, many with careers outside the home. Even if you are a homemaker, there is often too much going on to cook and eat healthy nutritious meals. The trend in diet has turned to processed and fast foods, and this has caused women’s health to suffer. There are little or no foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids, and we need to understand the importance of Omega 3 and women’s health issues today. Omega 3 is an essential nutrient that helps reduce the risk of heart disease, inflammatory conditions, memory decline, and depression. Omega 3 plays a large role in reducing depression and anxiety in women, yet we are not eating adequate amounts.

The Importance Of Omega 3 And Women’s HealthDiets have largely turned to mostly processed foods and carbohydrates. This in turn robs the nervous system and brain of needed nutrients to function properly. In addition, too many carbohydrates and the wrong kind of fats can cause us to gain weight. Omega 3 fatty acids is an important nutrient, and increasing the amounts eaten can reverse some health conditions or reduce their symptoms.

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in foods like: cold water wild caught fish, flax and flax products, canola oil, walnuts, and fish oil supplements. Food companies are catching on to the importance of this nutrient and including it in foods such as; orange juice, margarine, yogurt, granola cereals, and breads. With the addition of Omega 3 to these foods, it is easier for women to get what they need.

There is another fatty acid lurking out there, and we are eating far too much of it. Omega 6 is a by-product of grain fed animals and corn. Omega 6 needs to be eaten in lesser amounts than Omega 3 to get the right absorption. At this time, we are eating about 30 parts Omega 6 and 1 part Omega 3. This needs to be reversed. We should be eating 3 parts Omega 3 and 1 part Omega 6 in order to get the proper balance of the two.

Omega 3 Benefits for Women

Omega 3 benefits women’s health and condition by working directly on the cells, nervous system transmissions, and helping the body produce inflammation reducing chemicals. The health conditions Omega 3 benefits are:

  • The Importance Of Omega 3 And Women’s HealthInflammation
  • Increase in Metabolism
  • Boosts Memory
  • Reduction of PMS and Menopause Symptoms
  • Lower Risk of Female Reproductive Cancer
  • Increased Fertility With PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
  • Lower Rates of Depression/Anxiety
  • Increased Focus and Attention; reduction of ADHD
    (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Improved Heart Health, Lower Blood Pressure,
    Reduced Blood Clots
  • Improved Fetal Brain Development During Pregnancy

As you can see, the health benefits from adequate Omega 3 from women are numerous. Getting adequate amounts in the diet or through supplementation improves total body health and reduces the risks of a number of women’s health conditions.

Omega 3 Dosage for Women

Research shows when a certain culture eats large amounts of fish, the evidence of certain diseases are lower. Cultures like: the Japanese, Mediterranean countries, and Eskimos in Alaska eat large amounts of fish. The rate of heart disease, high blood pressure, blood clotting disorders and memory disorders, is much lower in those areas. The American diet is very low in fish, and there are many prevalent health conditions related to low Omega 3.

The Importance Of Omega 3 And Women’s HealthIt is recommended to eat at least 2 servings of wild caught cold water fish every week. Fish should be wild caught with the lowest mercury levels possible. Mercury prevents our body from absorbing Omega 3 properly. Eating too much Omega 6 also reduces the proper absorption of Omega 3. If your diet isn’t quite balanced enough, supplements are a good way to get enough Omega 3. If you choose to use an Omega 3 supplement, The American Heart Association recommends taking 1,000mg to 3,000 mg a day. There are some people that must take more than 3,000 mg of Omega 3 daily. Take such an amount only under the advice of a physician.

There may be mild side-effects from the recommended dosage. These include upset stomach and diarrhea but can be reduced by eating along with the supplement. Major side-effects include low blood pressure and risk of bleeding, but these only occur at higher doses, or if you are on blood thinning medications. This is why it is important to check with your doctor before using Omega 3.


Every woman should know the importance of Omega 3 and women’s health. Awareness of Omega 3 and how to get more in our diets reduces many health conditions that affect women today. Omega 3 reduces the risk of heart disease, mental disorders, and keeps our memory sharp. If you get enough of this every day, you’re doing a great thing for your health!

Top 5 Omega 3 Supplements

#1 Product – Omega 3 Premium

Overall Rating: 98.2%

Product Claims

Omega 3 Premium is our #1 Top Product for omega 3 supplements. The makers of this product bring you the best out there for supplementing omega 3 fatty acids. Our bodies need essential fatty acids to build healthy cells and for us to have a healthy nervous system. They are also helpful in reducing inflammation in the body and reducing the effects of heart disease. In order for omega 3 fatty acids to benefit our body, it has to be a pure form that has been tested for mercury and PCB’s. Plus, contain enough DHA and EPA to be effective. Omega 3 contains Over 1,500 mg Omega 3’s Per Serving.Top 5 Omega 3 Supplements

This product stands above the rest because it is made in an FDA Registered laboratory that is GMP-Certified. This means they maintain strict standards for quality and purity. Omega 3 Premium is guaranteed 100% Pure and PCB FREE. The manufacturer also gives you a formula that contains 800mg EPA and 600mg DHA. This supplement Complies with the U. S. Pharmacopeia’s Standards for quality and purity. It is all of this that makes this product #1 above all the rest.


Omega 3 Premium offers a deal that cannot be beat. This product retails for $49.95 a bottle. The company offers a deal, 6 bottles for $138.00 a bottle, which brings the price down to $23.00 a bottle. This amounts to Buy 3, Get 3 Free. They also offer a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

No questions asked, just return the product and they will give you your money back.

Our Conclusion:

Our editors gave Omega 3 Premium the title of #1 Product based on all the things this company does to bring you the best Omega 3 supplement. Omega 3 Premium clearly stands above the rest and it shows in the customer reviews and the high certifications they receive for their high quality and standards.

#2 Product – Dr. Sears OmegaRx ™

Overall Rating: 80.2%

Product Claims

Top 5 Omega 3 SupplementsOmegaRx ™ is a good product because it does contain a good amount of DHA and EPA in its formula. While they claim purity and high standards for the product, there were some added ingredients including; water, canola oil, citric acid and other ingredients. We had to give this product our #2 Spot.

Omega-3 needs to be combined with Omega-6 in a 3:1 ratio. This means we need to take in more Omega -3 than Omega-6. With the amounts listed on the product labeling, you are getting enough to meet your needs. Our only concern was the added ingredients that could dilute the effectiveness of the product. The #1 Product is 100% Pure, with no added ingredients.

This product landed near the top because Dr. Sears is a trusted source for healthy living, diet and products. However, we noticed the website only contained a paragraph of information on the product. There was also no education included on the website about the importance of Omega-3 and how it works.

This product did receive some positive reviews from consumers that bought it stating it didn’t have any side-effects and helped to lower their cholesterol. Our editor’s only noticed 3 consumer reviews and no others. This left us with the question whether anyone bought the product, or if it was effective and impressive enough for consumers to leave a review.


Dr. Sears OmegaRx ™ retails for $26.95 a bottle. If you go on the “auto-ship” program, you can get the product for $21.56 a bottle. The serving size is 4 gel caps daily, and the bottle contains 15 servings. This means you would need two bottles a month. Also, our editors feel “auto-ship” programs are risky for consumers. They will continue to send you the product and these programs are hard to cancel.

The company does offer a 30 Day Money-Back guarantee on their products. Just make sure that if you are not satisfied, you remember to cancel any “auto-ship” agreements with the company.

Our Conclusion:

Our editors felt that a product endorsed and made by Dr. Sears was worthy of our #2 Spot. Dr. Sears OmegaRx is a good product with a good amount of both EPA and DHA included. It could have made a higher spot if it did not contain filler ingredients. Also, Dr. Sears promotes health but does not include a lot of education about Omega-3 benefits on the product website.

#3 Product – Purity Products Advanced Omega-3

Overall Rating: 76.1%

Product Claims

Top 5 Omega 3 SupplementsPurity Products Is a good product with a good informative website. While they include good marine based sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, they also include added fillers. We placed this product in the #3 Top Product spot because while they included both EPA and DHA, the dosages are lower than the number one product.

This product contains both EPA and DHA which are important essential fatty acids to help with brain cell formation, heart health, building healthy cells and improving memory. Our number one product contains 800mg EPA and 600mg DHA, while Purity Products Advanced Omega 3 contains 650mg EPA and 500mg DHA. This is lower than our number one product.

Purity Products Advanced Omega 3 is certified by the NSF which is an outside auditor that makes sure a facility meets GMP standards. We could not find a seal on the website that shows this company is GMP Certified. While their products may be quality products and Pure, the number one product shows a certification seal with the GMP.


Purity Products Advanced Omega 3 retails for $36.65 a bottle. The serving size is 2 soft gels daily and the bottle contains 30 soft gels. Because the dosage for each serving is lower than the number one product, you may need more servings to get the same results as the number one pick.

This product does come with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee which is always a plus with our editors and shows that a company stands behind their product. We check in on the customer reviews and while they did receive some positive reviews, there were also reviews that the dosage was way less than the consumers physician ordered them to take for their health condition and that the product didn’t seem effective.

Our Conclusion:

Purity Products Advanced Omega 3 is a good product with a reasonable price and a money-back guarantee. This product fell to our #3 Spot because of the low amounts of EPA and DHA. The only certification they have for purity and quality is NSF and the product is made out of the country. Just a little bit higher dosage and we could probably move the product up the list.

#4 Product – Nordic Naturals® Ultimate Omega™

Overall Rating: 73.3%

Product Claims

Top 5 Omega 3 SupplementsNordic Naturals ® Ultimate Omega ™ has some good qualities like; a good informative website, good standards for quality and purity and sustainable fishing practices. The reason this product fell to the #4 Spot was the amounts of DHA and EPA are even lower than our number one product and the other products on our review page.

This product includes 650mg of EPA and only 450mg DHA, which is lower than our number one product. The website is very informative and welcoming to consumers. They even include several studies on the benefits of using Omega 3 in general. There are not actual studies or testing results on the effectiveness of the actual product. Our editors would have liked to see that the product is working for consumers to give it a higher ranking.

Nordic Naturals ® Ultimate Omega ™ gives a good testimonial on global responsibility and sustainable fishing practices to protect the North Atlantic Cod. These are good practices, but there was no evidence of any consumer reviews on the website for consumers to see if this product is actually effective.


This product retails for $27.95 a bottle. The recommended serving size is 2 gel caps daily, and the bottle contains 60 gel caps. While this is a good price, this product has no proof of effectiveness from studies or consumer reviews. Our editors also could not find a money-back guarantee on the product or certification seals. This product is also made outside the United States, so there is no guarantee on quality, freshness or purity.

Our Conclusion:

Nordic Naturals® Ultimate Omega 3 ™ is a good product that pays attention to sustainability and the protection of North Atlantic Cod against overfishing. It took the #4 Spot because the amounts of Omega 3 in the gel caps is considerably lower than our number one product. Our editors could not find evidence of a money-back guarantee or any consumer testimonials.

#5 Product – Nature Made® Fish Oil 1,000 mg

Overall Rating: 65.8%

Product Claims

Top 5 Omega 3 SupplementsNature Made® Fish Oil 1,000 mg is actually a quite popular product because it is easy to obtain over-the-counter in most drug stores. While this is a popular product, the amount of Omega 3 is much lower than our #1 Product. The recommended serving size is 3 capsules a day in order to get the 1,000mg of Omega 3, which is more capsules than our number one product.

This product does have good standards including; U.S. Pharmacopeia certified, Purified to remove mercury, Yeast/Starch/Gluten Free and No preservatives. While these are all good points, our editors noticed the use of soy in the product. This means it is not 100% Pure like our number one product. While soy does have some good health benefits, some people may not tolerate soy.

Nature Made® Fish Oil 1,000 mg contains EPA and DHA 500mg combined and “other Omega 3 fatty acids” 600 mg. The label does not state where the “other fatty acids” actually come from or what type they are. Transparency is important to our editors and our number one product fully discloses the sources of their ingredients.

While this product graces almost every drug store shelf in America, it fell to our #5 Spot because of the low amounts of EPA and DHA. The numbers are far below our top product and the product requires more servings to equal a full daily dose. Also, 1,000mg daily is a commonly recommended amount by doctors, our number one product equals 1,500mg of Omega 3 per serving.


Nature Made® Fish Oil 1,000mg retails for $10.49 a bottle. This is one of the cheaper Omega 3 supplements and value priced for consumers. It is important to be aware that it takes a lot more of the product to reach the same dosage as our number one product. The consumer reviews only gave it 4 stars for effectiveness. This is probably from the low amounts of EPA and DHA in the product. While you may be saving money, the product may not be effective at all. There are no volume discounts and no return policy. Major drugstores cannot accept opened products back for refunds.

Our Conclusion:

Nature Made® Fish Oil 1,000mg is a popular product seen on many drug store shelves. It may be sold everywhere and have a value price for consumers, but it actually has a very small amount of Omega 3 as compared to our top product. There are not enough positive consumer reviews to prove it is effective and they could move up a bit if they included more Omega 3 in the product.

Using Omega 3 For ADHD

Treating ADHD with Omega 3

Common treatments for ADHD include both stimulant medications and behavioral therapy. While this is common, many people choose to forgo the stimulants in light of more natural therapies. There are children who really benefit from stimulants in the school setting. But as a parent, remember, treatment is a choice, and you have plenty of options. Using Omega 3 for ADHD is one natural way to benefit the brain functions in a healthy and safe manner.

ADHD Overview

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a condition where sufferers often lose focus on tasks, cannot stop moving, and possibly even have learning disabilities. Those close to ADHD sufferers often have a hard time understanding and tolerating the behaviors. It can cause a great amount of dysfunction in households, schools, and in the workplace.

Symptoms Of ADHD

Using Omega 3 For ADHDThe symptoms of ADHD can actually overlap with a number of other conditions. These may not even be noticeable, and needs must be evaluated on behavior scales by a few different observers. Usually teachers, parents, and other caregivers fill out the scale forms and turn them into a Licensed Physician. The symptoms of ADHD can include:

  • Inability to finish even simple tasks
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Easy distraction
  • Poor memory skills
  • Mistakes
  • Alternating between several different tasks and
    leaving them incomplete
  • Cannot maintain attention to movies, TV, teacher talking, or personal conversation with others
  • Fidgets, moves a lot, paces the floor, excessive climbing,
    and running
  • Unorganized
  • Failure to complete household tasks, homework, or projects

If left untreated, ADHD can lead to complications such as: depression, withdrawal from social situations, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and being unable to keep a job or learn in school. Regardless of treatment choice, approaching ADHD with an open mind is the first step to dealing with the disorder.

Treatments For ADHD

Treatment for ADHD is a personal choice, and you have every right to decide what is best. Most medical treatments involve stimulant medications that actually help the ADHD gain focus on tasks. It is often used in combination with behavioral therapy to teach sufferers how to function on a day to day basis.

Using Omega 3 For ADHDTreatment, whatever type used, is important to reduce the discomfort of sufferers and those around them. It needs to focus on helping them learn to control increased energy levels, reduce movement, and hold conversations with others.

While prescription medications can actually help with calming the brain activity and increasing focus, there is a high failure rate due to non-compliance. This is mostly because of the side-effects of the stimulant, which is the opposite of what you might think.

The stimulants used in ADHD can actually make a person too calm or even overly sleepy. Many parents notice the huge changes in their children and take them off the medication. ADHD must be treated for life and there is no cure. The key is finding the right treatment for your child. One that works best for your child and lifestyle.

Here are the options:

  • Prescription ADHD medications – ADHD medications are actually stimulant medications that have a calming effect on people with ADHD. When given, the person is actually able to focus and slow down. Parents notice their children tend to be quieter and even sleepy on them and this can sometimes make them feel something is not right with their child.
  • Behavioral Therapy – Behavioral therapists can teach parents and kids how to manage routines, organization, and reinforcement of positive behavior. Sometimes this is very effective even without medication. Parents can learn techniques to make environments more suitable for children with ADHD like: rotating toys, keeping the house low key, and telling kids what to expect.
  • Dietary Modifications – Certain foods have been found to trigger ADHD symptoms. Things like: red dye, sugar, chocolate, MSG , and other food substances can each trigger a different symptom. An elimination type diet can help you find the offending foods and keep them away from your table and out of your kitchen. Try taking away all the “forbidden foods” and add them back into the diet one at a time to see which one causes the symptoms.It is also a good idea to add in foods to the diet that reduce blood sugar spikes and dips like: protein, fruit, plenty of fiber, and whole grains. Blood sugar spikes can cause sudden energy bursts, while dips can cause negative behaviors. Balance in the diet can help balance the behavior patterns.
  • Using Omega 3 For ADHDOmega 3 – Research has shown that almost half of kids in studies given Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation show reduced symptoms. It is thought that some cases of ADHD are due to a lack of EPA and DHA, which help the neurons in the brain function properly.In kids that have this deficiency, Omega 3 shows the same calming effects as stimulant medications. If you would like to try this option, check with your pediatrician before supplementing Omega 3 in your child.


Living with a child or family member with ADHD can be a challenge for both the loved ones and the sufferer. The dysfunction and lack of focus is exhausting, and some choose to pass on the current medical regimen of stimulant medications. This leaves the options of behavioral therapy and alternative treatments such as, diet changes and Omega 3 supplementation. Using Omega 3 for ADHD may be the breakthrough some sufferers need to have a more normal life.

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

Omega 3 and Children

Life seems to be a constant hustle and bustle with kids, and their diets tend to suffer. School lunches are get poor grades, and we eat more fast and processed foods. As hard as we try to feed our kids healthy foods, they are still lacking one very vital nutrient — Omega 3 Fatty Acids. As parents, we must understand the importance of omega 3 for children and make sure they are getting enough.

It’s hard these days to feed kids a healthy diet when TV commercials advertise foods that are less than par. The store shelves are lined at kid’s eye levels with processed foods that contain little or no valuable nutrition and school lunches come from mostly cans. We have a tough fight ahead of us!

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenOne very important point we cannot miss is that researchers are finding that Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a basic building block of brain cells. Kids need healthy brain cells for learning. Omega 3 can reduce symptoms of ADHD, childhood depression, and even asthma. The studies are ongoing and researchers are finding some very positive results with the use of Omega 3.

If you’re pregnant, make sure you get adequate Omega 3 in order to build healthy fetal brain cells. Infants who use formula need formula enriched with Omega 3, while young children also need to eat foods high in this nutrient. Many supplements for pregnant women, infants, and children are enriched with added Omega 3.

Omega 3 and Safety for Children

The highest levels of Omega 3 in food comes from fish and fish oils. The problem with high amounts of fish in the diet is the possible high intake of mercury. High mercury fish are: tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, and orange roughy. Tuna has the highest levels of mercury and is commonly used to make sandwiches for kids. Recommendations for tuna in kids’ diets is three ounces weekly. That is about ½ a can of tuna. This issue can add to the deficiency of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For ChildrenBest fish for kids are ones that swim in cold water and are wild caught. This includes; tilapia, cod, salmon, and shrimp. While these are generally fatty fish, they have way less mercury. If your child is vegetarian or refuses to eat fish, there are healthy vegetarian sources including: flax and flax products, soybeans, canola oil, and walnuts (make sure your child does not have a tree nut allergy if you choose to use walnuts).  An easy way to get your child to eat these foods is to use them in foods like: oatmeal sprinkled with flax powder, or to bake up some flax muffins with canola oil.

You can always try a children’s Omega 3 supplement. There are many types of children’s multi-vitamins that already contain Omega 3. There are even children’s fish oil capsules. If you do use the children’s fish oil supplement, check the label to see if the brand is low mercury. Make sure you check with your child’s doctor before using an Omega 3 supplement.

Omega 3 Dosage For KidsThe Importance of Adequate Omega 3 For Children

The best way for kids to get adequate amounts of Omega 3 is to have them eat 2 to 3 servings of fish that is “low mercury” a week. Children do not need as much as adults to get the health benefits. If you choose to use a supplement, infants need about 300mg to 500 mg Omega 3 every day. Infants who breastfeed will get enough Omega 3 from breast milk as long as you eat enough “low-mercury” foods containing Omega 3. Make sure that during pregnancy and breastfeeding you are not eating sources of mercury. Infants who bottle feed should take a formula fortified with Omega 3. Check labels carefully, but most are now fortified.

If your child will not eat fish, ask their pediatrician about an Omega 3 supplement. The recommended dosage for younger children is 600 mg Omega 3 every day. If you can get your child to eat fish, all they need is about 3 to 6 ounces of salmon or whitefish two times a week. The recommended amount for older children and teenagers is right around 1,600mg daily.

If you have a young child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), depression, or autism, the recommended dosage is 1,000mg daily. Always consult with a doctor before giving Omega 3 to a young child and only use higher doses under close supervision. It is generally safe for kids and side-effects are mild if given with food.


Understanding the importance of adequate omega 3 for children helps them grow and develop as healthy children and adults. Omega 3 can help brain development, as well as help prevent certain health conditions. Studies are ongoing to see if Omega 3 can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, Autism, and childhood depression. Omega 3 can be supplemented, but the best source for kids is a healthy diet with “low mercury” Omega 3 foods.