Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil Review

You can use Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil in order to supplement omega-3, which you can only find in fishes like halibut, tuna, cod, and salmon as well as seafood like algae and krill plus some plants and nut oils since the the body can’t synthesize its own omega-3.



Ingredients In Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil

Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil contains the following premium ingredients:

  • Omega-3
  • Fish oil
  • Glycerin
  • EPA (800 milligrams)
  • DHA (600 milligrams)
  • Vitamin E
  • Soft gel capsules
  • Rosemary extract
  • Ascorbyl palmitate
  • Natural tocopherols

The Vitamall brand also meets the supplement mandates of the Code of Federal Regulation (21 CFR, 111) and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


You should take Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil twice a day after every meal. If you’ve eaten fish with omega-3, don’t bother taking the fish oil because one pill already covers the maximum recommended dose for omega-3.

Possible Side Effects

Taking in too much omega-3 has the rare side effect of seizures, so always take the recommended dosage. If you have allergies involving soy or seafood, then you’re also discouraged to take the Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil.

Will This Product Produce Long-Term Results?

Yes, it does, specifically when it comes to improved brain function, normal growth and development, and reduction or management of heart disease risk. Its main function is to support cardiovascular function with its maximum daily dosage of 3,000 milligrams of omega-3.

How Much Is Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Instead of paying for $27.99 for 60 soft gel capsules, which is a 30-day supply, you’ll get to save 39.4% off of the original price with the Vitamall Omega-3 Fish Oil’s new price of $16.95.


All orders have a 100% money-back guarantee from the Vitalmall shop. You’re also guaranteed free shipping on all orders exceeding $49. All Vitamall products, including VitaMall Omega-3 Fish Oil 3000, are made in the USA.

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Reflex Omega 3 Review

Studies have shown that there are fats that are not only healthy, but required by the body. This is especially true when these essential fats accompany a well balanced diet. Omega-3, an essential fatty acid (also written as an EFA) is one of those fats. Often found in fish oil and algae, the body needs, but cannot produce, the Omega-3 essential fatty acids. There are a large number of Omega-3 supplements on the market, however they all have differences, from which ingredients accompany the Omega-3 essential fatty acids to how much of the active ingredient is present. For this reason, whenever a new Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplement arrives on the market, we conduct a little research into it.

Reflex Omega 3 Formula

Reflex-Omega 3 contains unknown amounts of the following ingredients:

  • Omega 3 Nutritional Profile Fish Oil Concentrate- Omega-3 EFAs are known to be beneficial to the body, helping it to function properly.
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid– Epa, also known as Eicosapentaenoic Acid, has not been found to be at all effective in the treatment of symptoms that are caused by Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid– Dha, also known as Docosahexaenoic, has not been proven effective in lowering blood sugar in the individuals that have Type 2 Diabetes.


The recommended dosage for the product Reflex-Omega 3 is 1 capsule 3 times each day. Each capsule of Reflex-Omega 3 should be taken with a full glass of water and something to eat.


The price of one full bottle of Reflex-Omega 3 is $19.18. Each bottle of Reflex-Omega 3 comes with at least 90 capsules.

Reflex Omega 3 Guarantee

The guarantee for Reflex-Omega 3 is that you can return Reflex-Omega 3 directly to Reflex Nutrition for a full refund of the purchase price. They will not refund your shipping however. They also do not say how long you are allowed to sample the product Reflex-Omega 3 before returning it back to them to get your refund.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

True Sol Omega 3 Fish Oil Review

You should get the True Sol Omega 3 Fish Oil supplement because aside from this supplement, these acids can only be taken from food since the body can’t synthesize them.

The typical diet of a USA resident is rich with omega-6 fatty acids but lacks omega-3, thus resulting in cardiovascular problems, among other things.

Ingredients In True Sol Omega 3 Fish Oil 

The no-fish-taste, enteric-coated, and mercury-free True Sol Omega-3 Fish Oil capsules contain the following ingredients.

  • 1,500 milligrams of Omega-3
  • Fish oil
  • Glycerin
  • 800 milligrams of EPA
  • Vitamin E
  • 600 milligrams of DHA
  • Gelatin
  • Purified water
  • Soft gel capsules (enteric coated)


You should take one 1,500 milligram soft gel capsule per day after every meal. Depending on doctor recommendation, the recommended dosage should range from 500 to 3,000 milligrams. Going over this dosage in diet and supplements without the prerequisite doctor consultation is discouraged due to possible side effects.

Possible Side Effects

Seizure is the foremost (unlikely and rare) side effect of going over your daily recommended dose of True Sol Omega-3 Fish Oil. If you’re allergic to fish and other seafood you might get an allergic reaction from this supplement; consult your doctor for more details.

Will This Product Produce Long-Term Results?

In short, yes. This is the product you should buy in order to achieve healthy skin (particularly when it comes to psoriasis), decrease bad moods or depression, assist in inflammation and joint pain treatment, increase brain function, and promote better heart health all-in-all.

How Much Is True Sol Omega 3 Fish Oil?

The list price for True Sol Omega-3 Fish Oil is $49.99, but its selling price is $19.95 (plus free shipping for orders beyond $35). Therefore, you can save about $30.04 or get a 60% discount.


The product comes with a money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with it for whatever reason, just return the empty bottle after 60 days for a no-questions-asked refund.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

Ultra-Pure Omega-3 Fish Oil Review

  • Supports Healthy Heart and Cardiovascular Function,
  • Promotes Brain Health, Joint Function and Normal Flexibility,
  • LemonLock™ Freshness System locks in purity and seals in freshness.

Ultra-Pure Omega-3 Fish Oil Ingredients

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids (includes the following ingredients) –  1250 mg,
  • EPA – Eicosapentaenoic acid – 650 mg,
  • DHA – Docosahexaenoic acid — 500 mg,
  • Other Omega-3 Fatty Acids – 100 mg,
  • Other ingredients: Omega-3 marine oil.


2 soft-gels daily with a meal.


$36.65 for a 30 day supply (60 capsules) – discounts are available for automatic product recorders.

Ultra-Pure Omega-3 Fish Oil Guarantee

The product vendor offers a 60 day from purchase refund policy as well as a customer service contact number and a link to the vendor for sending email messages. The product source also contains over 70 customer reviews that are generally favorable.


This product is expensive but price discounts are available for large orders. The product return policy seems fair and customer reviews contained in the product source are favorable. There is also a customer service contact number. For these reasons a potential purchaser is not taking a big risk to try the product out with the purchase of a single bottle. However having a health care professional or a pharmacist review the product first remains a good idea.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels Review

Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels is a supplement obtained from fish oil concentrate. The manufacturer states on their website that the main ingredient undergoes molecular distillation to remove all the harmful pollutants such as mercury and lead. This is one basic requirement for any fish oil concentrate, and we are glad to see that this manufacturer abides by it. The supplement reviewed here is indicated for promoting cardiovascular health, reducing joint pains and inflammation and for improving the immune system. Here is the most information you need to know about this product before making a purchase.

What Does Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels Contain?

There are various omega 3 fatty acids that can be found in fish oil concentrate, but EPA and DHA are the most important, because they are the ones responsible for the health benefits provided by these supplements. Here are the figures for Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels:

  • Fish Oil Concentrate – 2000 mg
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids – 600 mg
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) – 320 mg
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) – 200 mg

As you can see, only a part of the fish oil concentrate is made of omega 3 fatty acids, and subsequently, EPA and DHA make for an even smaller part of the actual product. It is a good thing that this supplement contains both of them, but the amounts listed are quite small compared to the recommended daily intake of 800 mg for EPA and 600 mg for DHA.


The recommended dosage is two softgels taken three times every day.


The listing price for a bottle containing 240 softgels is 21.60USD, which is a reasonable price.

Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels Guarantee

We did not clearly see a guarantee policy listed on the manufacturer’s website, but, since the product is sold via third parties, you may have to contact your reseller for more information on returns and refunds.


Solgar Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels is a good product, because it contains the necessary omega 3 fatty acids for a healthy life. Still, because the available quantities are under the recommended dosage, you need to take more of them to compensate, which is not very convenient.

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Fish Oil Omega 3 And PCB’s

Omega 3 and PCB Contamination

Because Omega 3 from fish oil has a very healthy reputation, many people forget that some fish can contain toxins that are potentially dangerous to your health. PCB’s, Polychlorinated Biphenyl,, were used from 1920 to 1970 in the making of: plastic, paints, fluorescent lights, and insulation. Because PCB was very strong, it didn’t decompose and can still be found in our soil and water today even though it is no longer used. It was banned from use in the U.S. in the 70’s, but traces of it can still be found in the water supply.

Fish Oil Omega 3 And PCB’sFish that swim and live in water high in PCB’s absorb the chemical into their bodies. Not all fish absorb it, but some have high levels. A good Omega 3 product will note on the label that the product has been tested for PCB’s. Some products have been found to have high levels of PCB’s. This is why it is important to check PCB labels before purchasing Omega 3. The manufacturer must note that PCB levels are within Proposition 65 limits.

Proposition 65 Limits for Fish Oil Omega 3 Supplements

According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) the acceptable level for PCB’s is 2 parts per million/2 nanograms. This is minimal compared to the the 90 nanogram limit when PCB’s can cause cancer in the body. A manufacturer that produces a supplement of fish oil has to have strict production and testing standards.

It is important to know that every fish has a small amount of PCB regardless of FDA standards, and there is no such thing as “PCB Free” fish. Manufacturers must test every batch to make sure that it contains the lowest amount of PCB’s allowed under the Prop 65 standards.

When shopping for an Omega 3 fish oil supplement, find a product that has the “FDA Registered Facility” seal. The FDA holds these facilities to high standards of quality. FDA registered is not the same as FDA approved, but the manufacturer upholds a set of standards prescribed by the FDA for supplements and health products.

Find the Purest Omega 3

Fish Oil Omega 3 And PCB’sPollution is getting worse, and the environment contains synthetic chemicals in our water, air, and food. There are traces of chemicals in just about everything, everywhere, and it is almost impossible to remove them. Products must be sold as clean and pure as possible to protect you, the consumer.

The best way to have the purest Omega 3 possible is with molecular distillation of the fish oils to flush out toxic chemicals. With this process, the fish oil can be almost 100% Pure.

The way this is done is the fish oil is put into a vacuum and heated slightly. This causes evaporation of the toxins and lets them be separated from the fish oil. The process removes both heavy metals and PCB’s while leaving just the natural fish oil and beneficial contents. This leaves the purest product possible that maintains high quality and is safe to take.


It is important to understand the importance of Fish oil Omega 3 and PCB. Fish oil is one of the best ways to obtain this necessary nutrient, and all the health benefits it has to offer. If you want to use a fish oil based Omega 3 supplement, check your labels. Look for things like “FDA Registered Facility” and mention of “Proposition 65 Standards.” Your safety is important, as well as getting a quality product.

Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil Review

If you wish to have a very healthy heart, then there’s a nice ingredient that’s really recommended for you because of the amazing benefits that it has when it comes to making the heart a lot healthier than before.

Rest assured that the aid of Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil will really guarantee you a good dose of wellness in your life.

This is known to be an all natural product that’s proven and tested by third party sources. So expect that the product will do the talking for you.

Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil Ingredients

The company that provides this type of supplement is proud to tell you about its wonders. Here are the ingredients used in this product:

  • Fish Oil Concentrate
  • EPA
  • DHA

How To Apply

This product is best to take once a day and preferably during mornings. Take 1 teaspoon a day for you to experience the best benefits.

Possible Side Effects

This is an all natural product, so expect that there are no side effects from Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil


A bottle of this fine product costs $79.95

Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil Guarantee

Sadly, there’s no money back guarantee coming from this product. But reviews say that this is a very worthy purchase.


If you wish to have a very healthy heart and mind function, then make sure that you choose Dr. Sears OmegaRx Fish Oil as it can guarantee you these amazing benefits. Not just that, this will also assure you a better movement of the body as it can make your body relieved from pain such as having joint pains, and it will also make you live better as it heals the cells. Rest assured that this will take care of you whether you’re still young or already old.

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Nordic Naturals Daily Omega Review

Nordic Naturals Daily Omega is an Omega-3 essential fatty acids supplement. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are required by our bodies for proper functionality. Our bodies just don’t work at 100% without them.

However, because our bodies are unable to produce Omega-3 essential fatty acids, we have to take care to make sure that we provide our bodies enough.

However, studies have shown that the average persons diet is severely lacking in Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Nordic Naturals Daily Omega Formula

Nordic Naturals Daily Omega contains unknown amounts of the following ingredients:

  • Rosemary Extract- There is an insufficient amount of evidence supporting the fact that Rosemary can help with age-related mental decline and stress according to the studies that have been done on it.
  • Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids-Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids has been shown in some studies to have the ability to help cure or relieve the symptoms of ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, menstrual pain and migraines.


The recommended dosage of Nordic Naturals Daily Omega is one soft-gel each day with something to eat and a full glass of water.


The price of one bottle of Nordic Naturals Daily Omega is normally $15.95. However, they now have Nordic Naturals Daily Omega on sale for the price of $13.55. This means that you save a total of $2.40 when you buy Nordic Naturals Daily Omega. Each bottle should come with at least 30 capsules in it.

Nordic Naturals Daily Omega Guarantee

Throughout the research we have done on Nordic Naturals Daily Omega, we have found that they have no guarantee listed. This means that if you are not satisfied with Nordic Naturals Daily Omega and want to return it for a full refund, you will not get any of your money back for it.

Click here to learn about our Top Omega3 products.

Myprotein Omega 3 Review

The essential fatty acids commonly found in fish are made up of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are both long chain fatty acids. When combined, EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart. DHA also contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and vision.

These beneficial effects are obtained with a daily intake of 250mg of EPA and DHA. Myprotein Omega 3 softgels provide 360mg of EPA and 240mg of DHA per 2 softgels.

Myprotein Omega 3 Ingredients

Ingredients include: Omega 3 Fish Oil (18% EPA, 12% DHA), Softgel (Gelatin, Glycerin), Purified Water, Vitamin E (DL-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate).


2 soft-gels 1 – 3 times daily with meals.


 $8.08 for a 90 soft gel container (a 45 day supply of 2 soft-gels daily)

Myprotein Omega 3 Guarantee

The vendor offers a 28 day from purchase return product policy as well as a customer service contact number.


The product vendor is based in the U.K. (the price here is shown in dollars for the convenience of U.S. readers – the product source only provides price quotes in Euros or English Pounds). While this product can be ordered on line any U.S. purchaser may want to contact the vendor directly to learn if the product  is available in or can be shipped to the U.S.

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Omega 3 For Men’s Health

Taking Good Health Into The 21st Century

Heart disease and diabetes are two of the biggest issues in men’s health. When we look at diet and nutrition, we find that men seriously lack some key nutrients that promote good health. Omega 3 for men’s health has become a primary focus in research that’s discovered we are not getting enough of this healthy fatty acid in our diets.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthEating too many processed foods and Omega 6 fatty acids can lead to fat build-up in the arteries. Omega 6 fatty acids, saturated fats and trans-fats tend to overcome the Omega 3 and interfere with absorption. This imbalance lends to the breakdown of the body and circulatory system. The resulting conditions are: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and unhealthy arteries. Diets low in Omega 3 also show a higher risk for cancer.

Omega 3 fatty acids are a very important building block of cells, both in the brain and the body! The only problem is we don’t consume enough of the foods that contain high amounts of Omega 3.

Scientists have found, that when the body has enough Omega 3, there is less incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, dementia, and cognitive (mind) decline. Because of these discoveries, you will find more foods with Omega 3 added in the stores.

Diets High in Omega 3 for Men’s Health

In Japan and Alaska, men tend to have a lower occurrence of heart disease. This is because they eat diets that are high in fish and products made from fish and fish oils. When tested, their blood levels contained very high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. One startling discovery was that they had high cholesterol, yet a surprising low incidence of heart attacks in their culture. The studies all showed that men between 40 and 55 years of age need to eat a diet with fish that has high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. If they have a sensitivity to fish, they should be taking at least a supplement that contains Omega 3.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthMen who eat a diet rich in Omega 3 have a lower incidence of; dementia, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and even depression. Omega 3 can even help increase the metabolism and boost weight loss efforts. Memory is better and chances of getting Alzheimer’s is lower. Men who have heart surgery heal faster, since it helps the heart muscle repair itself.

What is the Recommended Amount of Omega 3?

Healthy men can safely take Omega 3 in doses from 600 mg to 1000 mg a day. For men that suffer from heart disease, doses usually range from 1000 mg to 4000 mg daily, but normally with a doctor’s supervision and recommendations.

High doses can have serious side-effects and must be performed under a doctor’s care. This is because of its blood thinning effects that can interact with prescription blood thinners.

Omega 3 For Men’s HealthWith normal doses, the side-effects are normally very minimal. You can avoid such side effects by taking Omega 3 with a meal or snack. Side-effects include: stomach upset, diarrhea, stomachache, and nausea. Larger doses can cause the blood to become too thin and can interact with medications like; Lovenox, Coumadin and Heparin.


By using Omega 3, men can reduce the chances of heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. Research shows that eating more fish each week or taking an Omega 3 supplement increases Omega 3 levels in the body and keeps men in good health.