Omega 3 Supplements And IQ

Omega 3 and Your IQ

The intelligence quotient of humans, otherwise known as “IQ”, is a number scale used to describe the level of human intelligence. The average human ranges between 100 and 110, but the scale ranges from 70 to 130. Genius comes in right around 125 and up. Over the last few years with the boom of technology, our average IQ is beginning to slightly dip. Omega 3 supplements and its relationship to IQ is based on the brain’s need for these fatty acids in order for the neurons in the brain to function properly.

Let’s take a look at how Omega 3 fatty acids have improved brain health in humans over a very long period of time.

Prehistoric Migration and Omega 3 Rich Foods

Studies of prehistoric humans show the size of the brain as smaller than humans today. They had very limited communication and were not able to function as well as us. When they lived away from water sources, their behavior tended to be more primitive. Being away from water, they obviously didn’t eat fish that were rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 and Your IQAs soon as the migration towards water began, researchers found the brain began to increase in size. They started to have more advanced communication skills and were much more functional. In theory, this could only mean one thing – humans began to eat fish which are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. These are the actual building block of brain cells. The prehistoric human’s brain was beginning to grow and develop! And this continued on for quite some time, until processed or GMO foods came into play. Then the decline started.

The Decline of Human Thinking Skills

With recent technological advancements, we don’t have to think as much for ourselves. We can go anywhere on the internet to get any information that we need.

Exercise in thinking keeps our brain developing, and we get very little anymore. The less we exercise our brain, the less it wants to work for us when we need it. The next reason for the decline is our diet is seriously deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are the  very basic building block of brain cells. Such nutrients in adequate amounts keep our memory and cognitive skills working right. They also help us learn new things. Also, with growing technology is the growing fast food craze that is literally devoid of any Omega 3.

Omega 3 and Your IQEven if we got rid of every bit of technology in our homes, exercised our brains and read lots of books, we still cannot completely keep our brain healthy without Omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient goes hand in hand with using our brain and helps us form new brain cells.

Omega 3 helps us remember, process thoughts and speak to others. The problem is our diet does not have enough Omega 3 or too much Omega 6 fatty acids. We need to have more Omega 3 fatty acids and just a little Omega 6 fatty acids.

Keeping your IQ Healthy with Omega 3

Using Omega 3 fatty acids provides your brain with the nutrients it needs for healthy function. Our diets today lack the foods we need to get Omega 3. This is because the highest amounts come from fresh caught cold water fish. We need to be eating at least two servings per week, more if possible. The other issue is fish that contains mercury. Mercury competes with Omega 3 and interferes with absorption, among other health concerns.

Our bodies need around 600mg to 1000mg of Omega 3 each day to provide our bodies with adequate amounts. This is entirely possible with a diet filled with the right foods. Foods that have the most Omega 3 include:

  • Fresh caught cold water fish – wild caught salmon, whitefish, tilapia, snapper, trout and shellfish.
  • Flax seeds and flax oil – These can be used in foods and have a good vegetarian source of Omega 3.
  • Walnuts – Use walnut or walnut oils in cooking. This is another good vegetarian source of Omega 3, just be cautious of tree nut allergies.
  • Grass fed beef – Regular supermarket beef does not contain very much Omega 3, but more Omega 6. To increase the amount of Omega 3, buy grass fed beef.
  • Omega 3 and Your IQSoy – Soy products have a small amount of Omega 3 and are a small source for vegetarians. You can even combine soy with other Omega 3 foods to increase amounts.
  • Dietary Supplements – Some people have food allergies or don’t like the above listed foods. Supplements can help you get your needed Omega 3. Look for fish oils that are “mercury free” and pure sources.
  • Watch for food allergies in supplements. For example; if you are allergic to shellfish, krill oil is extracted from krill, a very small shellfish.


Brain development began in prehistoric days as our ancestors migrated toward water and fresh water fish. These increased amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids were responsible for the increase in communication and motor skills that we use today. However, our diets are deficient in this important nutrient. Omega 3 supplements and IQ recovery go hand in hand, and it is important to get adequate amounts to preserve memory and learning in humans.

Understanding Omega-3

Omega 3: The Bigger Picture

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient for the body. The body does not make its own Omega-3 fatty acids, so you need to get them from foods that you eat. Understanding Omega-3 fatty acids means we need to understand the different types, what they do, and where to get them. Let’s take a look at the 3 different types.


  • Understanding Omega-3DHA – DHA develops brain cells and helps with memory, cognition, and mental health. They add it to baby formulas, and pregnant women should take in adequate DHA during pregnancy. The elderly may also get some benefits for dementia and memory loss. Find DHA in: wild salmon, fish oil supplementation, and shellfish.
  • EPA – EPA may help to relieve inflammation. It can also be helpful for mental health. The body converts some DHA into EPA, and it is excreted in breast milk to babies. Older children and adults can get this nutrient in these foods: algae, seaweed, supplementation, and fish.
  • ALA – ALA comes from vegetarian sources and is most commonly found in flax seeds. There are other vegetable oils and seeds that contain ALA. Our bodies don’t make ALA so we must get it from diet or supplements. Our bodies also cannot convert ALA to EPA or DHA because we don’t have the right enzymes to convert it. ALA helps our cardiovascular system and may decrease depression in some women.

How Omega 3 Works

We need Omega-3 from dietary sources because we don’t make it ourselves. It is important to understand that Omega-3 fatty acids are an important nutrient that we need to build healthy cells and tissue. The fatty acids we take in are actually Omega-6 fatty acids, and in order for them to do their job, they must be balanced with Omega-3’ fatty acids.

Understanding Omega-3If we eat too much Omega-6 fatty acids, without Omega-3 fatty acids, health issues can develop. Too much Omega-6 without Omega-3 can trigger an inflammatory process in the body. Try to avoid eating too much vegetables, corn, and grain fed meats, as these are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Increase your intake of Omega-3 foods including; wild caught salmon, flax and flax seed oil, grass fed meats, and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids have some effects on your body by itself, but some things it does for you require a little Omega-6 fatty acids. Some Omega-3 fatty acids are converted to another to do yet another job. This is all a complex process and that is why a balance is very important.

In order for all the fatty acids to work together or convert, make sure you do eat some Omega-6 fatty acids, but take in more Omega-3 fatty acids in order for them to work as a “team.” If you do eat too many Omega-6 fatty acids, you will cancel out the good effects of the Omega-3. It happens in a 3:1 ratio. Always try to eat 3 times the amount Omega-3 fatty acids and 1 part Omega 6 fatty acids. A healthy example would be 1/3 cup vegetable oil (Omega-6) to a cup of flax flour (Omega-3) when making muffins or bread. This formula can basically be used in any recipe.


Getting the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids help all the fatty acids work together in combination to build healthy cells. You don’t have to eat a strict diet, but make sure to get a healthy variety of different foods, so you get all the right fatty acids.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3

How Omega 3 Helps Your Brain

Healthy brain cells depend on DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). This converted form of Omega 3 fatty acid is necessary for good memory, clear thinking and emotional health. Your brain needs Omega 3 to function properly, and if you don’t get enough in your diet, you may need supplementation. This is because Omega 3 fatty acids come from our diet alone.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3The brain cells are made up of nearly 15 to 20 percent Omega 3/DHA. This important nutrient soaks into the very nerve fibers in every brain cell. It feeds the tiny neurons that actually cause the brain cells to fire and communicate with the rest of the body. First and foremost, this action regulates things like; moods, memory, cognition, and learning. This is why Omega 3 is so important from infancy through adulthood and beyond.

Omega 3 fatty acid is found in foods like: salmon, free-range chicken eggs, flax, sardines, walnuts, and soy products. Our diet is seriously lacking in many of these foods today, but your brain depends on it. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets contain higher amounts. Here in America, we eat mostly Omega 6 foods.

We need to try to enrich out diet with more Omega 3 foods. Even foods with Omega 3 added are better than no Omega 3. The best diet is one high in seafood, flax oils and seeds, and DHA fortified foods. We need to be adding these foods to our diet at least two to three times weekly to rebuild our stores of Omega 3.

Monaco And Japan Have Less Evidence Of Alzheimer’s

Your Brain Needs Omega 3According to World Life, Monaco in the Mediterranean has an Alzheimer’s and Dementia rate of 0.0. The Japanese have a rate of about 2.5. In the United States, the rate is an extremely high 24.8.

So, why is this you ask? It may possibly be that our diets are significantly lower in Omega 3 fatty acids, while the diets in these countries are mostly foods that contain higher amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. They eat diets higher in fish, and fish oil is one of the highest sources of Omega 3 fatty acid.

These statistics are alarming and something needs to change. The United States has a higher incidence of brain dysfunction, emotional disorders, and poor cardiovascular health compared to these countries and the solution is very obvious. We cannot ignore this any longer.

Omega 3 and the Growth of Healthy Brain Cells

Studies show that people who have had a traumatic brain injury actually show some signs of recovery after being given Omega 3. Since Omega 3 is a building block of the brain cells, there may be a chance that Omega 3 fatty acids can help the brain grow healthy new cells later in life. It is quite possible that taking Omega 3 can help your body repair damaged brain cells. While this has not been proven yet, scientists are hard at work in studies, and are finding some pretty positive evidence on Omega 3 use and the brain.

Your Brain Needs Omega 3Omega 3 and Infants

Some studies show that mothers who use Omega 3 supplements during pregnancy, breastfeed, and/or use Omega 3 fortified formula have babies with higher IQ’s. The control groups in these studies were given non-fortified formula without Omega 3 and there was evidence of lower IQ’s in this group. With your doctor’s recommendation and monitoring, there are supplements to help boost your Omega 3 during pregnancy to help benefit healthy brain cell growth in your unborn baby.

Children also need more DHA and can suffer from vision issues if Omega 3 intake is inadequate. When a child has low levels of Omega 3, they can suffer from poor vision and poor learning.

Getting enough Omega 3 in pregnancy, infancy and childhood may be a very important key to improving the brain function in our society. Some children may refuse fish in their diet, but there are other ways to get this nutrient, and children’s supplements are available. Always seek the advice of your pediatrician before using an Omega 3 supplement in babies and children.


Your brain needs Omega 3 to function optimally, and a diet that contains adequate amounts is the best way to meet your daily requirements. Omega 3 converts to DHA, which is a very crucial nutrient involved in the health function of your brain cells. It can help both with memory/cognition as well as your emotional health.

Studies show that adequate Omega 3 from pregnancy, birth, and on into adulthood can help the brain grow healthy new cells, possibly heal itself, and function properly. Rather than use stimulants, prescription drugs, or allow the decline, why not try a natural supplement to support brain health? Omega 3 is safe to take under a doctor’s supervision with few side-effects and easily obtained over-the-counter. Start feeding your brain what it needs today.

Using Omega 3 For ADHD

Treating ADHD with Omega 3

Common treatments for ADHD include both stimulant medications and behavioral therapy. While this is common, many people choose to forgo the stimulants in light of more natural therapies. There are children who really benefit from stimulants in the school setting. But as a parent, remember, treatment is a choice, and you have plenty of options. Using Omega 3 for ADHD is one natural way to benefit the brain functions in a healthy and safe manner.

ADHD Overview

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a condition where sufferers often lose focus on tasks, cannot stop moving, and possibly even have learning disabilities. Those close to ADHD sufferers often have a hard time understanding and tolerating the behaviors. It can cause a great amount of dysfunction in households, schools, and in the workplace.

Symptoms Of ADHD

Using Omega 3 For ADHDThe symptoms of ADHD can actually overlap with a number of other conditions. These may not even be noticeable, and needs must be evaluated on behavior scales by a few different observers. Usually teachers, parents, and other caregivers fill out the scale forms and turn them into a Licensed Physician. The symptoms of ADHD can include:

  • Inability to finish even simple tasks
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Easy distraction
  • Poor memory skills
  • Mistakes
  • Alternating between several different tasks and
    leaving them incomplete
  • Cannot maintain attention to movies, TV, teacher talking, or personal conversation with others
  • Fidgets, moves a lot, paces the floor, excessive climbing,
    and running
  • Unorganized
  • Failure to complete household tasks, homework, or projects

If left untreated, ADHD can lead to complications such as: depression, withdrawal from social situations, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and being unable to keep a job or learn in school. Regardless of treatment choice, approaching ADHD with an open mind is the first step to dealing with the disorder.

Treatments For ADHD

Treatment for ADHD is a personal choice, and you have every right to decide what is best. Most medical treatments involve stimulant medications that actually help the ADHD gain focus on tasks. It is often used in combination with behavioral therapy to teach sufferers how to function on a day to day basis.

Using Omega 3 For ADHDTreatment, whatever type used, is important to reduce the discomfort of sufferers and those around them. It needs to focus on helping them learn to control increased energy levels, reduce movement, and hold conversations with others.

While prescription medications can actually help with calming the brain activity and increasing focus, there is a high failure rate due to non-compliance. This is mostly because of the side-effects of the stimulant, which is the opposite of what you might think.

The stimulants used in ADHD can actually make a person too calm or even overly sleepy. Many parents notice the huge changes in their children and take them off the medication. ADHD must be treated for life and there is no cure. The key is finding the right treatment for your child. One that works best for your child and lifestyle.

Here are the options:

  • Prescription ADHD medications – ADHD medications are actually stimulant medications that have a calming effect on people with ADHD. When given, the person is actually able to focus and slow down. Parents notice their children tend to be quieter and even sleepy on them and this can sometimes make them feel something is not right with their child.
  • Behavioral Therapy – Behavioral therapists can teach parents and kids how to manage routines, organization, and reinforcement of positive behavior. Sometimes this is very effective even without medication. Parents can learn techniques to make environments more suitable for children with ADHD like: rotating toys, keeping the house low key, and telling kids what to expect.
  • Dietary Modifications – Certain foods have been found to trigger ADHD symptoms. Things like: red dye, sugar, chocolate, MSG , and other food substances can each trigger a different symptom. An elimination type diet can help you find the offending foods and keep them away from your table and out of your kitchen. Try taking away all the “forbidden foods” and add them back into the diet one at a time to see which one causes the symptoms.It is also a good idea to add in foods to the diet that reduce blood sugar spikes and dips like: protein, fruit, plenty of fiber, and whole grains. Blood sugar spikes can cause sudden energy bursts, while dips can cause negative behaviors. Balance in the diet can help balance the behavior patterns.
  • Using Omega 3 For ADHDOmega 3 – Research has shown that almost half of kids in studies given Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation show reduced symptoms. It is thought that some cases of ADHD are due to a lack of EPA and DHA, which help the neurons in the brain function properly.In kids that have this deficiency, Omega 3 shows the same calming effects as stimulant medications. If you would like to try this option, check with your pediatrician before supplementing Omega 3 in your child.


Living with a child or family member with ADHD can be a challenge for both the loved ones and the sufferer. The dysfunction and lack of focus is exhausting, and some choose to pass on the current medical regimen of stimulant medications. This leaves the options of behavioral therapy and alternative treatments such as, diet changes and Omega 3 supplementation. Using Omega 3 for ADHD may be the breakthrough some sufferers need to have a more normal life.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Overview

An Overview of Omega 3

This Omega 3 fatty acids overview will provide you with all of the necessary information to be up-to-date and informed about Omega 3 supplementation. Research has shown that Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential part of our diet and important for a healthy body.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids OverviewOmega 3 fatty acids perform many functions in our body. They help our brain develop healthy cells, improve memory, and maintain our cognitive functions. Omega 3 also improves the health of our cardiovascular system, reduces inflammation, and helps us build new cells. The downside is our body cannot make Omega 3 on its own, and we need to get it from the food we eat. Adding to the issue is that our diets today are seriously lacking in Omega 3 foods. We can turn this around and start eating more foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. If you are not getting enough Omega 3, your body will tell you. You may notice that you have more inflammation. Your memory and thinking may be slower. Emotions can become unbalanced leading to anxiety and/or depression. Your blood pressure may be higher and you’ve already been told that you show signs of cardiac disease. Understanding the symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency helps you make changes quickly to avoid health issues.

Signs of Omega 3 Deficiency

If you are not getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, you will notice signs in several different areas. Omega 3 is critical to the cardiac system, the immune system and the brain. Here are some of the effects of low levels:

The BrainOmega 3 Fatty Acids Overview

  • Memory Loss
  • Low Cognitive Function
  • Depression/Anxiety

The Cardiac System

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Blood Clots
  • High Cholesterol

The Immune System

  • Joint Pain
  • Inflammation

If you have any signs in any of these areas, reevaluate your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids!

Omega 3 as a Treatment

Omega 3 can help many major health conditions and doctors are using it more often to compliment other treatments. The health conditions that benefit from added Omega 3 are:

  • Alzheimer’sOmega 3 Fatty Acids Overview
  • Dementia
  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Eye Disease
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Arthritis/Inflammation/Joint Pain
  • Asthma

While Omega 3 is not a cure for diseases, it may help to control symptoms. For instance, Omega 3 helps thin blood so doctors may use it to prevent blood clots after heart surgery. For this reason, taking Omega 3 in high amounts with any major health condition must be monitored by a doctor.

Food Sources of Omega 3

Omega 3 Fatty Acids OverviewOmega 3 fatty acids are found in a variety of foods from both meat and vegetarian sources including; flax, salmon, walnuts, cauliflower, winter squash, tofu, soybeans, and sardines. It is recommended that you try to eat Omega 3 foods at least twice a week. If you eat a Japanese or Mediterranean style diet, you are probably getting enough Omega 3.

Once Omega 3 enters the body, it needs to be converted to EPA or DHA. The fish sources are easier for your body to convert to the usable forms, while vegetarian sources are a little harder for your body to convert.

Another issue is that we eat too much Omega 6 fatty acids. While these are a necessary part of the diet, we need to be eating more Omega 3 than Omega 6 or a 3:1 ratio. Eating too much Omega 6, causes inflammation. Try and eat a good balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6, and if increasing your dietary intake is not possible, use an Omega 3 supplement.

Omega 3 Supplements

Omega 3 supplements are available even if you are unable to tolerate fish or vegetarian sources in your diet. You can obtain a good Omega 3 supplement over-the-counter online and in drug stores. There are vegetarian and fish oil based supplements out there depending on your preference. Vegetarian sources usually come from flax. Fish sources from fish oils should be of a variety low in mercury. Always check your sources carefully to make sure purity and strict standards are used in manufacturing Omega 3 supplements.


In looking at the Omega 3 fatty acids overview, you can see the many health benefits of this essential nutrient. Getting enough Omega 3 in the diet is always best, but supplements are available when that is not possible. Always check with your doctor before starting Omega 3 supplements, especially if you have a health condition.